Have you had enough?
Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The controversy about Supreme Court appointments started me thinking. "I have always been against abortion; it’s not possible for me in my own concept of Christ to believe that Jesus would favor abortion." If this were the only criteria to be eligible for the Supreme Court then the person who spoke those words should be a likely candidate. He is a born again Christian, a Sunday school teacher and a true believer. None of the above, however, makes Jimmy Carter a conservative. Neither are, by the same yardstick, hundreds of other born again Christian lawyers. Unlike Islam, Christianity is a philosophy of life, but it is not also a philosophy of government.

I have often wondered about the so-called Conservative Base of the Republican Party. Could it be that they are single-issue voters interested only in abortion? I am opposed to abortion and the Federal Government’s involvement. Let’s assume, however, that Hillary would suddenly announce that God talked to her and that she is now pro-life and Reverend Jackson assured us that she means it and has become a fundamental Christian by joining the most fundamental of churches. Should her opponent, say Condi Rice, agreed that abortions be allowed if the mothers life is in danger or if the child is to be born monstrously handicapped - who would you vote for? Search your soul and answer that question and you will know if you are a single-issue voter, but it won’t determine whether you are a conservative.

Which brings me to the issue: who is a conservative? This is not an easy subject and nobody has really been able to answer it because it is a moving, evolving target hard to define. At best one can make a snapshot of today's conservative ideas because they will not be the same in the next generation. This is one of the determining factors of being a conservative. We change with the times, adapt to conditions.

The communists, the socialists, the liberals, starting with Marx, have a fundamental faith that in a truly socialist society there will be no conflicts or contradictions. By taking from those who have and giving to the have-nots all further conflicts would be resolved. Any ideology that promises that once it succeeds there would be no more problems and no more inequality of any kind is utopian and cannot be conservative.

We see a "Cost to Benefit" world and a "Give and Take" world and a “Life is not Fair” world. Liberals seem not to understand economics, because it is based on competition and profits, rather than the lack of it in the socialist world. They loathe the concept of free-market because it results in different outcomes based on competition rather than government fiat. We understand that there must be a constant give and take in this world with winners and losers. A conservative is really a bit of a cynic who sees things as they are, not as they would be under the utopian socialists. We know that “Life is not Fair.”

Unlike a socialist world, in our conservative world everybody has an opportunity to become a winner. If you are rich or have more money than most of the people, then in the socialist world you must be a crook, dishonest, or lucky in the lottery of life. In the socialist world to be rich is not allowed and fundamental measures are designed to punish you if you are successful. Our income tax system was designed on this principle directly adopted from the Communist Manifesto.

I became a conservative fighting the communists. Today’s conservatives no longer face communists who declare themselves openly, but we now have a stealth-communist enemy hiding behind numerous names and covers. Lets call them neocoms. Their beliefs don’t change, only their names. They want equality in outcome not equality of opportunity. They want a world united in socialism and the abandonment of “chauvinistic“ national pride.
If you want a united world without boundaries, how could you be a patriot? Without doubt the neocoms are not patriotic. Being a patriot does not necessarily make you a good person and patriots of different nations may hate or eventually kill each other in the name of patriotism. Conservatives are patriots because they believe that we are nation with laws and institutions designed to guarantee our individual liberties.

The neocoms believe in the United Nations and would gladly and immediately surrender our sovereignty to the UN and make us join the world community in equality rather than continue to be a “racist and imperialistic oppressor.” They believe that there should not be Third World countries, but we should all be equal, without conflict and contradictions.

In their zeal to accomplish the goal of equality they have infested our educational system poisoning the minds of the young by promising a world where there are no losers; no Fs; only As. They do not keep score in sporting events because there should not be any losers.

We conservatives do not believe that the goal of life and of a nation should be to ensure equality. The neocoms believe that equality is best accomplished if the State owns and regulates everything for the benefit of all. Big Government is deemed the answer because we as individuals have unequal abilities to cope with life and only with the guidance and assistance of the party leaders shall we accomplish our life’s goal: equality.

Generations of Soviet workers labored under inhuman conditions for substandard salaries because the State promised glorious equality in retirement that never materialized. Communism brought equality of misery, which today’s neocoms would like you to forget.

We conservatives are more or less united because we understand that life consists of conflicts and contradictions. Conservative Christians and Jews call it God’s will. Others call it the mechanism of the free market. We live with it and adjust to it.

The neocoms want to eliminate the conflicts and contradictions by making us all equal under the wise leadership of Big Government and it’s political elite. Without fail equality must always be enforced at the point of a bayonet by a totalitarian system.

I am sure there is more to be said about who is a conservative. If, however, your loyalty is to a single issue, abortion, at the price of abandoning all other issues, then you cannot be considered a conservative in the American political arena of ideas.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
by T.W. Tibby Weston
The shock brought upon us by the 9/11 tragedy, and the seeking of answers how it could have been prevented, inevitably lead to hindsight and Monday morning quarterbacking. There is, however, difference between hindsight for the sake of fingerpointing and a valid reason for looking at the past. The knowledge of history would have cushioned the 9/11 shock because historical facts provide an early warning system that gets us ready for the future.
How far can we look into the future? Not too far but our view of the past is unlimited. While we can not change the past, we can better understand it; so that we can better understand the future and change it.
Having looked at historical facts I can now provide an early warning about an upcoming attack against our country. A lead-covered small thermos bottle containing 13 lbs. of plutonium can be, or has been brought into the country. The plutonium could be stolen from an unguarded storage pile next to any power plant or bought. With supplies purchased at a local Home Depot for less than $1,000, a bomb can be built and carried in a suitcase or backpack on July 4th into a nuclear power plant, refinery complex, sports stadium, poison gas storage facility, or any other target selected for best results to impair our will and economy.
In an alternate scenario consider that 2 weeks ago a truckload of cyanide has been hijacked in Mexico and 9 barrels of cyanide pellets are now in the hands of terrorists to be placed in the drinking waters of major cities.
In the alternate you may substitute the words biological agents, nerve gas or fertilizer bombs in the above scenarios.
I realize how little if anything the President can do to prevent this calamity from happening. Nor can he answer the much more important question, how we would retaliate against an enemy that is hiding in Muslim communities throughout the world. When I fought as a guerilla I was able to disappear into the community around me. Without doubt terrorists hide in Muslim communities in the USA and it is the obligation of these communities to seek out and expose them.
Our present strategy for survival is flawed. We are fighting not for the defense of our territory against an enemy who wants to conquer and occupy. What we are fighting for is defense of our way of life, threatened from within and by external enemies. It is useless to stand up against a foreign enemy if the internal enemies are overlooked. Enemies within will perpetrate sabotage and terrorism when the opportunity arises. If we do not recognize this, we are doomed.
In a war fought largely by means other than military power, our security no longer depends on our military capabilities,weapons systems or nuclear stockpile.
Our first and most important lines of defense are the two organizations that have been seriously damaged and effectively reduced to near incompetence. Both the CIA and the FBI have been demoralized and decapitated by excessive public exposure and the proliferation of watchdog committees seeking headlines by leaking national secrets to an irresponsible media. Our free press insists on knowing everything the government is doing in order to scoop the competition and get ratings. The fact that the enemy is listening does not bother them.
We supposed to be at war but the CIA is less able to collect foreign intelligence or engage in covert actions due to irresponsible laws passed by Congress. Neither can the CIA fulfill its role of a central intelligence operation, due to the multitude of agencies collecting, duplicating and jealously guarding the information gathered. Tons of information gathered isn't worth an ounce of intelligence if it is not analyzed and acted upon. Just the list of competing intelligence operations is appalling.
Counterespionage and internal security operations by the FBI are impeded by restrictions in the name of political correctness. Just visualize the demoralizing search at the airport of an 80 year old woman while allowing a young Arab pass through unchecked in order to avoid the appearance of racial profiling. Sometimes it feels like that the inmates are running the asylum.
We are at war but we no longer are able to use wartime words such as "treason" and "subversion". It is hard to define "treason" as giving information to a foreign agent or country when you can give the same information with impunity to the media and get it publicized.
It is even harder to define "subversion" which is a systematic attempt to undermine society when such activity surrounds us in academia, the entertainment field and in the political arena, where politicians are willing to sacrifice national interests for political gain.
Even the commonly used word of "terrorism" has taken on new meanings. Terrorism is violence to accomplish a political goal, but if calling it terrorism may lead to increase in gasoline prices, we do not dare to recognize it as terrorism.
The consequences of unchecked terrorism can be devastating. People will feel insecure and soon will lose confidence in the police, the military and the government. The loss of confidence in the intelligence apparatus is the first domino to fall.
We are at war but we use words of containment and not of victory. We do have a "Homeline Security", a "Department of Defense", but we no longer have a "War Department" or even better an "Unconventional War Department". The duties of the UWD would be clear: Utilize subversion, disinformation, psychological war, espionage, terrorism, and guerilla war – in other words copy the methods of the enemy.
We are at war, but war usually requires sacrifice and reduction or suspension of the traditional liberties. First among them is the Freedom of The Media. Such suspension of freedoms in wartime is a necessity for survival. Standing in line at the airport to undergo symbolic but inane security checks is an inconvenience not a sacrifice. It is unfortunate that we have to wait for a major calamity and massive loss of lives before the politicians muster enough courage to speak out in support of such suspensions.
Like it or not, recognize it or not, we are in a war of survival with an enemy who does not want conquer our territory but wants to destroy our way of life and bring us down to his level of a Dark Age civilization. Their main weapons are the so-called martyr homicide bombers who will gladly exchange their substandard life on Earth for Paradise with rivers running with wine and eternal frolicking with 72 virgins.
We can not survive if we count only on our economic muscles and military strength. Survival is not of the fittest but the ones who can adapt to circumstance as water adapts to the vessel it is poured into. It is adapt or perish. In our politically motivated climate there is little hope of change until and unless another calamity occurs. When it does, you may quote this warning for your Monday morning quarterbacking.
Just one more local thought. Let us hope the target is not the Bay City atomic power plant or the Houston Ship Channel about 100 miles south of here. If it were, the prevailing winds would bring devastation to us. We can only hope that the people who have the responsibility to protect us are not so distracted by the political hype and grandstanding about what they knew, or should have known about 9/11, that they miss the signs of the next attack. We should be attacking the enemy not our own people. I don’t like government when they interfere with our lives, but defending us against the enemy is the primary function of government. This is not the time to treat the government as our enemy. It is time to declare war and mean it and not just wait for the other shoes to fall. The enemy was surprised by our reaction to 9/11. It is my hope that the reaction to the next attack will surprise even us.

Copyright 2002 Weston Research - POB 456 - Fayetteville, Tx 78940
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Tibby Weston

The shock of October 3rd has almost passed. I can now more clearly think and understand why I first reacted so badly to the nomination of Ms. Meiers to the Supreme Court. Ever since I came to the United States in 1947 I did not shy away from expressing my opinions based on the facts of my life experience. Having survived Nazi and Communist oppression I had an urgent message for America*. For more than 15 years I spoke week after week, month after month at meetings of civic clubs to warn about the dangers of communism and later of the Cold War. It was not an easy task when confronted by often skeptic audiences who did not understand and could not imagine the horrors and injustice that communist equality enforced at the point of a bayonet represented.

By 1957 I had earned such a reputation for my convictions that the Daughters of the American Revolution changed their by-laws to be able to award me the first “Americanism Medal” up to then restricted to native-born Americans. I felt the greatest relief when finally Ronald Reagan became president and pursued his conservative ideas that he for years promulgated in his radio messages. His vice president who ran against him, representing the left wing of the Republican Party, less impressed me. I understood he was on the ticket to offset, cushion or modify the “dangerous and extreme” ideas of Reagan and his “voodoo economics.”

It was a glorious time to watch conservative ideas prove themselves in the arena of everyday life and worldwide confrontations. The power of our convictions and the firm hand of Reagan destroyed the archenemy, the Soviet bully. The Bush 41 presidency then brought the tragic collapse of the S&L, banking and real estate industry with losses now estimated at $1.7 trillion with millions of people financially destroyed by a cynical Washington establishment.

It was even more depressing to watch the betrayal of conservative ideals by the appointment of Judge Suter. I understood that the survival of the nation depended on an independent judiciary governed by the principles of the Constitution and could not fathom why Bush 41 trusted the left wing of the party and Warren Rudman in selecting him.

I was hoping for a day in my life time when a Republican Congress and a conservative Republican President could finally appoint judges to create a conservative majority to safeguard the values and concepts created by the Constitution. I worked hard, antagonized friends with my outspoken conservative stand and kept silent about the catastrophic personal financial losses suffered due to the collapse of the S&L and real estate industry. Silently I also endured varieties of conservative idiots and zealots jeopardizing what we stood for.

When George W. Bush was elected my hopes rose cautiously, because although he proclaimed himself a conservative, but he did not enter the arena of ideas to win, but to compromise and bring us all together as a conciliator. He was a consensus maker in Texas and that was his plan to govern the nation. He could not understand what I have known all my life. You cannot compromise your beliefs. As he put it so well about the nations supporting terrorists: You are either with us or against us. This also applied to domestic enemies of this nation – the far left.

I was wrong when I assumed that I, and millions of my fellow conservatives, brung George Bush to the dance. It was Bush 41 and the “moderate” wing of the Republican Party’s dance all the time. They socialized the losses of the S&L collapse and privatized the profits by enriching their friends and contributors. Trickle down turned into millions in contributions that would pour in through subsequent years to make political victory possible. Did George Bush forgot who brung him to the dance? Not at all. We are the ones who forgot that this is not our dance. We are here because we have nowhere else to go.

After 9/11 I was encouraged by the surge of patriotism throughout the nation. It was then almost certain that I would live to see the day when the nations future would be secured by the appointment of a strong, conservative Supreme Court by a conservative president.

After waiting, fighting, hoping and surviving 50 years finally the day arrived for me to feel secure about the future of my family and the nation. But October 3rd, 2005 brought the nomination of another conciliator in his own image. I should not have felt betrayed. I realized that Bush has lived up to his promise and made another move to “bring us all together”, but now would I need to live another 5-10 years before I would know if Roberts and Meiers are not following the footsteps of his father’s appointee, Judge Suter? At may age the chances for that are slim. Perhaps the confirmation hearings would restore my hope sooner.

Fred Schwartz once wrote a book “You Can Trust the Communists to Be Communists.” He was right. Although diminished in numbers, they are all around us now called by different names. Today we live in a country where candidates run for office using communist slogans and principles of the Communist Manifesto, yet it is not only not noticed or deplored, but openly endorsed by many of the leftist Democrats. When will Bush understand that he must win this battle because these adversaries do not change and no concession or appeasement will change their agenda?
With his baseball background why does he not recall Leo Durocher’s admonition that nice ballplayers don’t win ballgames? We are surrounded by enemies within and without that must be defeated and not conciliated.

We are self destructing as predicted by Karl Marx and Osama bin Laden. What tragedy must we experience to shake us out of our lethargy and change the downhill slide of this nation? Should our hope be that in one of the 7 million unchecked containers arriving by ship and 11 million unchecked trucks crossing our borders every year there will be a nuclear bomb to wake us up? So don’t blame me if I don’t feel a bit more secure today then on October 2nd.


at Amazon.com or order from your bookstore.
The insane are running the asylum. Examples permeating American society today. Scams, fraud, perjury, uncivilized behavior and other signs heralding the fall of the USA, unless you had enough.

09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003 / 10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003 / 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005 / 06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005 / 07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005 / 08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005 / 09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005 / 10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005 / 11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005 / 12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006 / 05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006 / 11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006 / 12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007 / 04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007 / 07/01/2007 - 08/01/2007 / 06/01/2008 - 07/01/2008 / 09/01/2008 - 10/01/2008 / 01/01/2009 - 02/01/2009 / 04/01/2009 - 05/01/2009 / 07/01/2009 - 08/01/2009 / 10/01/2009 - 11/01/2009 / 06/01/2010 - 07/01/2010 / 09/01/2010 - 10/01/2010 /

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