Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed for spying for the Soviet Union. They were motivated by the idea that the horrible nuclear bomb should be shared so it wouldn’t be used.
We were not at war with the Soviet Union.Doug Pollard has been sentenced to life without parole for spying for Israel, an ally of the United States. He was motivated by his desire to provide classified information withheld from Israel proving that arms were being shipped by the Soviet Union to Iraq and Syria endangering the existence of Israel.
We were not at war with Israel.The Rosenbergs and Pollard may have been highly motivated but they committed treason against the United States.
The dictionary’s definition of treason:
1. Violation of allegiance toward one's country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one's country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies.
2. A betrayal of trust or confidence.The United States Constitution provides that "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their Enemies,
giving them Aid and Comfort." Art. III, Sec. 2, cl. 1.”
The Constitution also states:
“Section 6. The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States.
They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace,
be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.”
The Vice President of the United States in
a secret briefing disclosed to the Senate Intelligence Committee that we have been successful in preventing attacks on the United States mainly because we have in custody a number of terrorists in foreign countries. Bringing them here would cause unnecessary leaks, endanger their lives if fellow terrorists would find out about their captivity and alter the plans for new terrorist acts. This was vital information to explain our success in our war against the terrorists and
we are at war!One or more Senator disclosed this information to the media endangering this heretofore successful method of saving American lives. Regardless of their motivation
this was an Act of Treason clearly defined by the Constitution and they must be arrested and tried for treason.John Kerry was never tried for his treason. Let us not make the same mistake again or this country has lost his will to survive the war.
MANIPULATING IGNORANCEI have learned a great expression from Tony Snow. Manipulating Ignorance. This is not a new concept. It is constantly used in advertising and in electioneering. It has been very easy to sell snake oil medicines in olden days and penis enlargement pills today. It becomes deadly, however, when the survival of our nation is at stake.
One of the classic acts is to accuse others of the deeds you are committing. Goebels refined it by making sure that if a lie is repeated often enough it will become the truth in the eyes of the beholding ignorant. For years former President Clinton and his fellow Democrats advocated war against Iraq. When finally we went to war, they are now developing convenient lapse of memory and trying to outdo Goebels by manipulating the ignorant with the short memory.
We are in great danger of losing the war against radical Islam because of manipulation of the ignorant by cynical, calculating, reckless, corrupt and self serving political leaders.
We are at war yet we have not named the enemy.
We are in battle for our survival but we have no plan how to act because we are fighting ourselves instead of the enemy.
Our own media and politicians attack our military and try to protect the rights of enemy terrorists. Even John McCain, a former POW, wants to protect terrorists from being humiliated during interrogation even when the lives of thousands or millions of American are at stake. Our Supreme Court, infiltrated by leftist, socialist judges is attempting to regulate the powers of the President as the Supreme Commander in wartime.
For more than 25 years we have been under attack by an enemy that not only caused major damage by killing our people but by destroying our will to fight through their collaborating politicians who trade a moments gain for our eventual destruction. Our freedoms have been converted to be used against us to destroy us.
Our war footing is demonstrated at our airports where idiotic and frustrating rules designed by an idiotic government takes off your shoes while allowing a bearded young Muslim unchecked on an airliner to avoid “profiling.”
The ignorant do not understand what losing a war means. I have seen the devastating effects of a lost war. Defeated German soldiers retuned to their ruined, burned out cities and watched as the Russians raped and plundered stealing everything of value, even to door hinges. Yet a short time later even Germany could return to the 20th century after the devastation caused by Hitler, his bestial rule and its consequences.
Not if the Muslim radicals win. Instantly you’d be back in the 15th Century, ruled by primitive laws in which stoning, beheading, slavery, poverty, disease and persecution would destroy everything civilization had accomplished in the last 500 years. If we lose the war in the Middle East, Europe will become Muslim rapidly and with the help of collaborating corrupt politicians, rioting Islamic fanatics, we would decline to a third world nation or worse.
If you read my blogs over the last years you find all this repeated over and over again. Go to Blogsearch.Google.com and look for HAVE YOU HAD ENOUGH?
Or better just go to http://tibbyweston.blogspot.com
“I may not know the way out, but I know many ways not to go.”
Tibby Weston