Have you had enough?
Monday, May 08, 2006

The articles and comments are pasted periodically and may therefore seem to be out of order or out of date. They are copies of my newsletter ON AND OFF THE RECORD which is e-mailed several times each week. I you would like to be on the mailing list please contact me at twweston@gmail.com with RE: ON AND OF THE RECORD and you'll be put on the mailing list.


Finally the do-gooders are getting to their objective. They have advocated high taxes on gasoline to deter people from driving, from buying big cars. The objective is to save the environment. The environmental movement started out with good intentions, but has developed into a monster that is rapidly destroying our nation. The environmentalists, the media and the Democratic Party which is allegedly trying to help the poor accomplish exactly the opposite.
They have destroyed America’s energy sources, putting us in desperate circumstances.
These idiots haven’t allowed one refinery to be built in the entire United States since 1976, that’s 30 years ago, even though the demand for fuel has multiplied. They have even prevented access to the vast deposits of oil in the desolate ANWR region of Alaska, as it would infringe on the animal rights of caribou. There’s plenty of oil in the United States, and we could be paying low prices for fuel, but politicians are paralyzed by the claims and the power of the wacko environmentalists.
With no shortage of oil, OPEC, Venezuela, Mexico, and others laugh at our unbelievable stupidity as we pay $75 a barrel, when we could produce it ourselves at a small fraction of that price if it weren’t for the environmentalists. Environmentalists haven’t allowed one power generating plant built in California in 13 years, although electrical demand was skyrocketing. This was the cause of the energy blackouts and financial crisis, a $30 billion debt, an impending state bankruptcy, and an emergency change of governors. California has had to purchase electricity from as far away as Tennessee, Canada, and Texas.
”The law of supply and demand” has not been done away with. In a free market, prices are never steady ... if demand increases, prices rise; if supply increases, prices fall. In the case of oil, supply is primarily limited internationally by OPEC, and nationally by wackos with the Democratic Party.

I was listening to a lady in a doctor's waiting room complaining about the retirement payment of $400 million to the Exxon executive. It just ain't right to pay that much to anyone when gas prices are so high. So I had few minutes to explain. I asked her if she was ever in business. No, she worked for a bank before retiring. She admitted the bank was not making big profits. So I asked if someone would have offered the bank a deal that they would make it a lot of profit, far more than they ever made, would they pay him 1% of the profits or one ¢ out of every $. She said that sounded like a good deal. So I told her what happened to Exxon and the more than $35 Billion they made in profits; what that did to the stock value and to the hundreds of thousands of stockholders, pension plans and mutual funds holding Exxon stock. She also admitted that the executives at the bank got a higher retirement income when compared to the profits of the bank. After she agreed that it made sense to pay $400 million for such a great achievement, she concluded: It is still not right to pay that much to anyone, because what can he do with it?
So I had to give her some more facts. If Exxon would operate as a non-profit corporation and pay out all the earnings it would reduce the cost of gasoline by a fraction of one penny during the next 10 years. If they would not give the $400 million, it would reduce the cost of gas for one day by 9 cent, but there may not be any gasoline available, just like in Jimmy Carter's days. If you take the $ 400 million and divide it by the number of days served, it would be less than most baseball players, basket ball stars and Hollywood actors and rap stars make a day and they certainly provide no benefits to the nation, to stockholders and pension plans, etc. One may even surmise that they get paid for activities and lifestyles that are destroying the nation. She just sighed: What can anyone do with that much money? At this point they called my name and I went in to see the doctor.

The Investigative Project on terrorism ( IPT ) reports that the Queens New York based Islamic Thinkers Society held a rally outside of the Israeli consulate last week in response to the recent Tel Aviv bombings.
Identified by Kilafah flags they are also noted for their nasty remarks about Jews, Christians, homosexuals, Israel, Danes and anyone else that has shown contempt for Islamic actions around the globe. They held signs that said “Islam will dominate” with pictures of the Islamic flag hanging over the White House.
Any group calling for the domination of the nation where they reside in should be high treason. These people should be arrested, the group dismantled and outlawed, and the individuals sent to prison.
These quotes are from the Counter Terrorism Blog (Islamic Quotes) to show the mentality of Muslims living here in America and other free nations.
They claim they refuse to accept the U.N., they told the FBI and CIA to burn in Hell, they told Homeland Security to burn in Hell.
They also claimed that a mushroom cloud was on the way. This in itself should be enough to put these idiots up on charges. They claim they will follow no one but Allah and refuse to accept the USA as any authority to be acknowledged. They claim Islam will dominate the world. Yet so called peaceful Muslims continue to tell us that Islam has no agenda to dominate, that it is simply a myth told by those of us who do not understand Islam. It sounds strikingly familiar to those who have heard there was never a Holocaust.
Yet here are Muslims making these claims. In our country, abusing our freedom of speech, and committing treason. Why aren't these terrorists arrested? They have made the threats; they have made known their agenda. A man making smaller threats to any woman in a bar can be arrested faster and prosecuted. Yet these buffoons threaten not only our nation, but Israel as well. This same week bombs exploded in Egypt, a woman feigning pregnancy committed suicide in Sri Lanka, two video tapes from Al Qaida arrive calling for destruction and death through means of cowardice and terror.
How long will we allow these terror minded cowards living among us? And how can we tell the difference? We do not see mosques making great strides to screen and turn these people in. This is treason pure and simple and we as Americans should demand our government to take action against them. As each month passes we see Muslims becoming more and more vocal against lands which they moved into. And still, we see no sign of objection from other Muslims living here. Because when the rubber meets the road, as these traitors claimed, they serve only Islam and Allah and care less about the rest of mankind or authority. Perhaps they are scared to speak knowing the consequences of disagreement = death. Is this what we want for our country? They call our President "Jew-dog" and openly recruit criminals in prison to join them in their quest to occupy and destroy this country.
If they call for violence and jihad against our government and nation, they need to be treated as traitors and sent to prison where no special rights are given to them.
Just the same old prison we would all get for committing treason. Because the longer we tolerate these terror minded groups and religions, the faster we will indeed see a mushroom cloud. And mushroom clouds beget mushroom clouds.
I proposed long time ago that if our government would declare that Mecca and Medina would be destroyed should our nation be attacked by Islam, perhaps the "moderates" would stop the insanity within Islam.

Now that Tony Snow has been promoted I would like to repeat a message I sent out last year crediting him with one of the best expressions I've learned lately:
"I have learned a great expression from Tony Snow. Manipulating Ignorance. This is not a new concept. It is constantly used in advertising and in electioneering. It has been very easy to sell snake oil medicines in olden days and penis enlargement pills today. It becomes deadly, however, when the survival of our nation is at stake.
One of the classic acts is to accuse others of the deeds you are committing. Goebels refined it by making sure that if a lie is repeated often enough it will become the truth in the eyes of the beholding ignorant. For years former President Clinton and his fellow Democrats advocated war against Iraq. When finally we went to war, they are now developing convenient lapse of memory and trying to outdo Goebels by manipulating the ignorant with the short memory.
We are in great danger of losing the war against radical Islam because of manipulation of the ignorant by cynical, calculating, reckless, corrupt and self serving political leaders.
We are at war yet we have not named the enemy.
We are in battle for our survival but we have no plan how to act because we are fighting ourselves instead of the enemy.
Our own media and politicians attack our military and try to protect the rights of enemy terrorists. Even John McCain, a former POW, wants to protect terrorists from being humiliated during interrogation even when the lives of thousands or millions of American are at stake. Our Supreme Court, infiltrated by leftist, socialist judges is attempting to regulate the powers of the President as the Supreme Commander in wartime.
For more than 25 years we have been under attack by an enemy that not only caused major damage by killing our people but by destroying our will to fight through their collaborating politicians who trade a moments gain for our eventual destruction. Our freedoms have been converted to be used against us to destroy us.
Our war footing is demonstrated at our airports where idiotic and frustrating rules designed by an idiotic government takes off your shoes while allowing a bearded young Muslim unchecked on an airliner to avoid “profiling.”
The ignorant do not understand what losing a war means. I have seen the devastating effects of a lost war. Defeated German soldiers retuned to their ruined, burned out cities and watched as the Russians raped and plundered stealing everything of value, even to door hinges. Yet a short time later even Germany could return to the 20th century after the devastation caused by Hitler, his bestial rule and its consequences.
Not if the Muslim radicals win. Instantly you’d be back in the 15th Century, ruled by primitive laws in which stoning, beheading, slavery, poverty, disease and persecution would destroy everything civilization had accomplished in the last 500 years. If we lose the war in the Middle East, Europe will become Muslim rapidly and with the help of collaborating corrupt politicians, rioting Islamic fanatics, we would decline to a third world nation or worse. "
1. Some interesting trends in the war on terrorism. Trends are often difficult to make out in this murky conflict, but the recent release of an audio message from Osama bin Laden on April 23rd, and a few days later, a rare video from Abu Musab al Zarqawi delivered the same message. Both sent out signals that failed to connect. Bin Laden urged his followers to go to Sudan and Israel and support the fight against Jews and Christian "crusaders." In Sudan, bin Laden was offering his services to kill Western peacekeepers that have not yet even shown up in western Sudan (Darfur), where northern (largely Arab) Sudanese Moslems are killing southern (largely black African) Sudanese Moslems.( Where is the NAACP?) Islamic radicals in Palestine (Hamas) and Sudan (the government) promptly and publicly rejected bin Laden's offer. This is a visible, to Western eyes, example of how Bin Laden's vision, of using Islamic terror to accomplish anything, has been discredited in the Islamic world. This shift in opinion was played out in Moslem media over the last three years, as Islamic terrorism was applied to Islamic populations in Iraq and Saudi Arabia. The end result was that Islamic terrorism was no longer fashionable. Bin Laden is still something of a folk hero, but in the same iconic way that Che Guevara on a t-shirt or poster is. Ignored, but not forgotten.
Bin Laden wannabe Abu Musab al Zarqawi followed with a video (wearing a sombrero?), where he urged Iraqi Sunni Arabs to buck up and get on with the war against "foreign occupiers" and the blasphemous (elected) government of Iraq. Zarqawi was basically pleading for the Iraqi Sunni Arabs to stop joining the government. * This reflects the shift in Sunni Arab attitudes, against al Qaeda, in the last year. In an attempt to preserve it as a viable movement, Zarqawi has been demoted from commander of al Qaeda in Iraq, to figurehead and pitch man. Technically, Zarqawi is supposed to be the military commander of al Qaeda in Iraq. Given the number of Sunni Arabs Zarqawi has killed, and the hatred all Iraqis feel towards him, it's more likely that Zarqawi spends most of his time just trying to stay alive.
There is still terrorism in Iraq, and the terrorists still know how to play the media. The terrorists know that each bombing, if carried out in Baghdad, where the Western journalists can hear it, will get reported. But the trend in bombings is down. This doesn't get reported, because it doesn't make a loud noise. But you can hear it in bin Laden's and Zarqawi's voices.
All this happened in the same week that Islamic terrorists bombed an Egyptian tourist resort, and, two days later, foreign peace monitors and Egyptian police along the Israeli border. These last two attacks, using suicide bombers, failed, leaving only the bombers dead. Ten arrests have been made, mostly of known Islamic radicals from among the Bedouin population in the Sinai. The "official" Islamic radical organizations in the area (the Egyptian Moslem Brotherhood and the Palestinian Hamas) loudly condemned the terrorist attacks. An earlier generation of the Moslem Brotherhood tried to use terrorism against the Egyptian government and lost. Those terrorists that survived went off to help establish al Qaeda. Hamas just got elected (due to a fluke, not a majority) as the government of the Palestine Authority, and has its terror operations on hold for the moment. The attacks in Egypt have been carried out by one of more splinter groups that have not picked up on the attitude shifts in the Moslem world.
Many Moslems still support terrorism, as long as it is NIMBY. not in their back yard or neighborhood. But after watching what happened in Iraq and Saudi Arabia since 2003, Moslems can no longer be assured that, once unleashed, Islamic terrorism will only be carried out somewhere else. Moreover, years of al Qaeda boasting have failed the reality check. No amount of hot air and spin will change the fact that al Qaeda has accomplished none of its goals, and has gotten lots of Moslems killed in the process.

Al Qaeda may not be destroyed, but they are defeated. Bin Laden and Zarqawi just said so.

2.Cell phones in Iraq are turning out to be a major terrorist vulnerability. When Saddam ruled Iraq, he did not allow a cell phone system to be installed, fearing that these devices would assist his enemies. In the last few years, cell phone service has flooded Iraq, and there are now over four million users. While cell phones have been used to detonate IEDs, the terrorists have found much cheaper substitutes (door openers, remote control toys, etc) for that task. The terrorists and anti-government forces find the cell phones much more useful for communication. Especially for Iraqi terrorists, cell phones were like a new toy, and users quickly became addicted. That turned out to be a mistake. The United States has lots of equipment that can do lots of stuff (much of it classified) to extract all sorts of data from cell phone systems. The terrorists already know a lot about these capabilities. They are not stupid, and the word gets around. But the cell phones are just too useful to abandon. The more disciplined terrorist groups are more careful, and will simply not use cell phones during some operations. But many of the anti-government forces continue to rely on the convenience of the cell phones.
American capabilities go beyond eavesdropping conversations, monitoring patterns of use ("traffic analysis") and tracking the locations of users. Where possible, U.S. troops (or, usually, their interpreters, who speak the local accent), will take over a number, or the phone itself (if the previous user is now a captive, or a corpse) and "play" the bad guys on the other end.
It's a new kind of war, much unlike previous games played on military radio networks. Everyone has a cell phone, and everyone can play, or get played.

* I'll have a more detailed analysis on the Sunni Terrorists, the Kurds and what the massing of Turkish and Iranian troops on the Iraqi border means to the US and the trap it is for US politicians..

As you all listen to the news about the student protests over illegal immigration there are some things that you should be aware of.

As most of you know my wife is in charge of the English-as-a-second-language (ESL) department at large southern California high school, which is designated a Title 1 school, meaning that its students average lower socio economic and income levels. Most of the schools you are hearing about--South Gate High, Bell Gardens, Huntington Park, etc.--where these students are protesting, are also Title 1 schools.
My wife tells me that 100% of the students in her school and other Title 1 schools are on the free breakfast, free lunch program. When I say free breakfast I'm not talking a glass of milk and roll...but a full breakfast and cereal bar with fruits and juices that would make a Marriott proud. The waste of this food is monumental, with trays and trays of it being dumped in the trash uneaten.
She estimates that well over 50% of these students are obese or at least moderately overweight. About 75% or more DO have cell phones.
The school also provides day care centers for the unwed teenage pregnant girls (some as young as 13) so they can attend class without the inconvenience of having to arrange for babysitters or having family watch their kids.
She was ordered to spend $700,000 on her department or risk losing funding for the upcoming year even though there was little need for anything; her budget was already substantial. She ended up buying new computers for their computer learning center; half of which, one month later, have been carved with graffiti by the appreciative students who obviously feel humbled and grateful to have a free education in America.
She has had to intervene several times for young and substitute teachers whose classes consist of many illegal immigrant students here in the country less then 3 months who raised so much hell with the female teachers, calling them "Putas"--whores--and throwing things that the teachers were in tears.
Free medical, free education, free food, day care etc., etc., etc. Is it any wonder they feel entitled to not only be in this country but to demand rights, privileges and entitlements?
To my conservative friends: I hope you're really proud of how George W. Bush has helped to sell-out this country with his pro-illegal policy. I voted for him too, but on this issue he is a disaster.
To my bleeding-heart liberal friends who want to point out how much these illegal immigrants contribute to our society because they LIKE their gardener and housekeeper and they like to pay less for tomatoes: spend some time in the real world of illegal immigration and see the TRUE costs. Higher insurance, Medical facilities closing, higher medical costs, more crime, lower standards of education in our schools, overcrowding, new diseases etc., etc., etc.. For me, I'll pay more for tomatoes.
We need to wake up. The guest worker program will be a disaster because we won't have the guts to enforce it. Does anyone in their right mind really think they will leave and return voluntarily?
There are many hardworking Hispanic/American citizens that contribute to our country and many that I consider my true friends. We should encourage and accept those Hispanics who have done it the right and legal way.
It does, however, have everything to do with culture: A third-world culture that does not value education, that accepts children getting pregnant and dropping out of school by 15 and that refuses to assimilate... and an American culture that has become so weak and politically correct that we don't have the will to do anything about it.

Thank heaven for the massive marches across the country by those favoring illegal immigrants. These marches revealed the ugly truth behind the fog of pious words and clever political spin from the media and from both Democrats and Republicans in Washington.
"Guest workers"? Did any of the strident speakers, with their in-your-face bombast in Spanish, sound like guests? Did they sound like people who wanted to become Americans? Were they even asking for amnesty? They didn't sound like they were asking for anything. They sounded like they were telling. Demanding. Threatening. (THOMAS LOWELL)
In previous wars, traitors were shot or served lengthy prison terms. Now they get fired and the reporter who prints the secrets, possibly damaging her nation, wins prestigious journalism awards. Morality and patriotism appear to have been turned upside down. ( Cal Thomas)
We can delude ourselves that we aren't at war, that nothing changed on Sept. 11, and we're not as vulnerable as innocent Israelis who know that every bus they get on or pizza place they grab a slice at could be a suicide bomber's next target. (Kathryn Lopez)
When a prosecutor acts like he has made up his mind and doesn't want to be confused by the facts, that is when the spirit of the lynch mob has entered the legal system. When this happens on the eve of an election for the prosecutor, it looks even uglier.( Thomas Lowell)


Due to the lack of civilized restraints prevalent in Judeo-Christian societies it appears that Islam assumes that all men are rapists (so do many feminists) and women need to be protected at all times from them. Even a strand of hair or glimpse of an ankle can send a Muslim man into sexual frenzy. They can not wait until a girl matures, they must possess them at the earliest possible age before they could get involved in sexual activity. In some regions they will remove with crude surgery the clitoris of a woman so that she does not enjoy and thus desire sex. The other side of this coin is the furious defense of women from other Muslim men. Here is a letter I received from a friend of mine. Read it and think hard. How do young women look at this protective defense of women?

"The situation I am commenting on will not surprise you but shocked me (& I'm in Norway at least every other year).
Apparently Norwegian young girls in Oslo, which has a heavy immigrant presence now, are gradually falling under the sway of Islamic boys to the degree that
Norwegian young men are not date-worthy. (considered soft, will not FIGHT for their "honor'', do not care if they are virgins or not! etc.) The number and
influence of the muslim men is so great that if they learn a popular young woman is sexually experienced (not unusual in Norway) she can be the victim of
mobbing at school, hate mail, physical threats or more mildly, public name calling: whore, slut etc. The article I was commenting on actually interviewed
many young girls who lamented that they were no longer virgins and that muslim young girls were more respected, their brothers "defended'' them more and that
they did not think the fact that the muslim young girls in Oslo (with a Taliban-like lifestyle) were missing out on anything.
That these are probably ignorant and easily impressed young women with oblivious parents-MAY account for some of this but I think it's similar to what
accounted for all those Black/Swedish marriages back in hippie days. These muslim young men seem passionately more exotic than their blue-eyed locals and many
of the more attractive are probably quick to take advantage of their temporary charm. It just breaks my heart to see such naivete in a sophisticated
country but I blame parents for being too permissive, too misguidedly accepting andperhaps--just too absent.
I'm all for more modesty in females and detest the prostitute-style clothing they've been wearing since Madonna-but most all of my close friends in the
states are Norwegian and I have many friends in Norway. Most of the young women may have what seems to be a more permissive attitude toward sexuality but they
grow up to be solid adults and good parents. It frightens me to see the changes islamic immigrants are making in Oslo.l I was there last July and at night
I hardly saw a Norwegian on the streets. My same experience in Paris. Since I'm a product of immigrantion from Eastern Europe I can't expect the US to
close the doors to other immigrants. I do feel that we, Scandinavia and western Europe--better find a way FAST to monitor who stays and who doesn't and have
the guts to put in measures to ensure WE decide who makes the cut. It's probably too late already."


"Congress is up in arms. The Democrats, in particular, are in full cry,
gleeful to at last get to the right of George Bush on an issue of
national security. Gleeful, and shamelessly hypocritical. If a citizen
of the UAE walked into an airport in full burnoose and flowing robes,
speaking only Arabic, Democrats would be deeply offended, and might
even sue, if the security people were to give him any more scrutiny
than they would to my sweet 84-year-old mother. Democrats loudly
denounce any thought of racial profiling. But when that same Arab,
attired in business suit and MBA, and with a good record running ports
in 15 countries, buys P&O, Democrats howl at the very idea of allowing
Arabs to run our ports. (Republicans are howling too, but they don't
grandstand on the issue of racial profiling.) On this, the Democrats
are rank hypocrites." —Charles Krauthammer
"Especially precious...is Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's newfound
passion for port security. Fresh from throwing in her lot with partisan
efforts to derail the Patriot Act and frame the NSA's surveillance of
wartime enemy communications as a crime, the '08 stars in Mrs.
Clinton's eyes have suddenly twinkled with a fond memory: namely, how
her husband managed to win the 1992 election, in large part, by getting
to the right of the first President Bush on what was that era's great
global menace—post-Tiananmen Square China. So here she is, trying to
elbow her way to the right of the current Bush administration on the
scourge of al-Qa'ida—and hoping the rest of us are struck by amnesia."
—Andrew McCarthy
But both Democrats and Republicans need to really think about the
effect that rejection of the port deal could have on U.S.-Arab
relations in the midst of an incipient "clash of civilizations."
Enemies of the United States are using every means to fuel violent
enmity between the West and the Muslim world. It's what the worldwide
cartoon riots were all about and outrageous charges by Iran's president
that the United States and Israel were behind the bombing of one of
Shia Islam's holiest shrines in Iraq.
Democrats, in particular, constantly say that the United States should
rely on "soft power" — diplomacy, trade and cultural relations — rather
than military force to expand American influence. Blocking the port
deal would certainly undermine that power.
This is a moment of truth for the United States. Can its leaders
overcome prejudices and petty politics to make a rational judgment? Or
will small-mindedness help America's mortal enemies? Morton Kondrake

Listening to the port flop and the sleazy reaction of politicians,
suddenly i am struck with a terrible thought. A major terror attack on
the US is now inevitable. Hear me out. I am not some highly paid
commentator, so my ideas and language may be more blunt. But I won't
beat on or around the Bush.
9/11 was not repeated for many reasons, but mostly because leaders of
the Jihad suddenly understood that it woke up the American giant and
united by public opinion the President took decisive action against
them. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Admiral Yamamoto said "... it
seems all we have done is awakened a sleeping giant." The jihadists
could not risk the anger of a further aroused American public.
Times have changed. Now they can ask the question: Is there any event
that would again unite the American public? A terror attack would be
blamed on Bush and the country would no longer unite, but be torn
further apart, lead by politicians more interested in their own power
than the safety of this country. Is there anything that would unite us
again? The assassination of the President by a Muslim? Enemies of Bush
would shamelessly rejoice. They are now openly advocating killing him
on their blogs. They even published a book on the various ways it could
be done.
How would we react to a nuclear explosion destroying the Port of
Houston, the industries around it and hundreds of thousands of people?
Would this country unite behind any effort? What kind of retaliation
would be acceptable by the Congress?
Jihad leaders by now may realize that by their action they could tear
apart this country rather than unite it.
Could we still abandon the silly idea that this is a democracy and
return to sanity?
Here is how I see sanity, hopeless as it may be. The President, should
he need them, possesses awesome powers. Those powers potentially
include what political scientists have described as the powers of a
"constitutional dictatorship." Luckily we are not a Democracy.
Democracy works best in times of peace, when there is debate,
compromise, and deliberation in forming governing rules, regulations,
and policies. When confronted with a major crisis - particularly one
that is, like terrorism, of an unfamiliar nature - the nation will turn
to the President for initiative and resolute leadership. If our very
existence and way of life are threatened, Americans will want their
President to do whatever is necessary.
The history of democratic governments, from the ancient republics of
Greece and Rome to the modern states show that governing by committees,
or legislative bodies, never works in times of crisis. Fortunately, our
Founders were aware of this when they designed our system. The abhorred
the idea of democracy and the word is never mentioned in the founding
Self-preservation is the first law of any nation. Past presidents -
principally Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, and Franklin Roosevelt -
by exercising their powers in time of emergency, have expanded their
authority as necessary to meet emergencies they faced. They have, in
essence, made the law in times of crisis.
Lincoln launched the Civil War unilaterally, without Congressional
action, following the secession of seven Southern states. His critics
called him a dictator. But he got the job done that had to be done.
When Franklin Roosevelt was inaugurated in 1933, the world-wide Great
Depression had reached its depths. The new President promised action,
while FDR continued to ask Congress for what he needed, he gave them no
choice as to whether they would accede. "In the event the Congress
should fail to act, and act adequately, I shall accept the
responsibility, and I will act." And he reminded the Congress: "The
President has the power ... to take measures necessary to avert a
disaster which would interfere with winning of the war." We've been
blessed with strong presidents in times of national crisis. They were
men who demonstrated a capacity for leadership, and men who acted
undemocratically, but only to preserve our republic.
The distinction between a "constitutional dictator" and a strong
president is remarkably thin, if not non-existent.
Recall that FDR took the nation from a "limited" national emergency on
September 8, 1939, to an "unlimited" emergency by May 27, 1941, and
then to total war by December 7, 1941. Anyone who does not believe the
war on terrorism will escalate, as well, is in denial. Total war is
Constitutional dictatorship is the result of necessity, an imperative
of survival. These are not decisions, however, that should be made by
the President and Congress each time the crisis escalates; rather, we
should think about them carefully in advance.
Congress and the President should agree now how we will react to a
terror attack, who is in charge, and if possible, how will we
retaliate. This action would send a message to those who hope that we
are so divided that we can no longer function as a unified nation. Why
not tell them what the consequences of their action will be?
Consequences may stop the threat.
After you read the last paragraph you may have a sinking moment of
desperation, that we are too far gone to be able to act sanely. The
Senate is hell-bent to destroy the President's powers. Yet if we don't
pre-act, how will be able re-act in a polarized nation?
WHICH BRINGS US to an issue facing us revealed by the port debate:
the Muslim population of this country. Are they the enemy or can they
be trusted? Why have they been so silent about their condemnation of
terror acts? Where is the moderate, reformed Muslim leadership? Did
they by their silence create the violent reaction against a friendly
Arab nation in the port fiasco?
Such reaction by implication indicates a deep distrust of any Arab or
Muslims, domestic or foreign? How do we make them join us before the
next attack against us? Why are we so unsure about their loyalty? No
pollster dares to ask questions on this subject, nor is any journalist
willing to ask the obvious question I have been asking for years:
What will we do when a major terror attack hits us here?
What do you think?
The insane are running the asylum. Examples permeating American society today. Scams, fraud, perjury, uncivilized behavior and other signs heralding the fall of the USA, unless you had enough.

09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003 / 10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003 / 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005 / 06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005 / 07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005 / 08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005 / 09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005 / 10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005 / 11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005 / 12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006 / 05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006 / 11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006 / 12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007 / 04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007 / 07/01/2007 - 08/01/2007 / 06/01/2008 - 07/01/2008 / 09/01/2008 - 10/01/2008 / 01/01/2009 - 02/01/2009 / 04/01/2009 - 05/01/2009 / 07/01/2009 - 08/01/2009 / 10/01/2009 - 11/01/2009 / 06/01/2010 - 07/01/2010 / 09/01/2010 - 10/01/2010 /

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