Date: November 16, 2006 5:12:45 PM CST
In the 50s children hid under their desks to teach them how to avoid being killed in a nuclear explosion. We know it was a gentle farce designed to alleviate the fear and apprehension among children who suddenly faced the possibility of war on our soil. We did not want them to understand the futility of the exercise and increase their fears.
We are now the children living in a fool’s paradise, unaware that the existence and survival of the United States is in grave danger. In my proposal “HOW TO STOP BIN LADEN”* I asked the question nobody had the courage to ask John Kerry and President Bush during the election campaign: What would you do if a nuclear bomb is exploded in downtown New York or in the port of Houston killing 100,000 people and making the area radioactive for the next thousand years? Unfortunately that wasn’t even the right question. My estimate of the deaths and damage was miniscule compared to the real danger we are facing.
The existence and survival of the United States is in extreme jeopardy right now. One, single EMP nuclear explosion, delivered by a SCUD rocket from a ship in international waters off the coast of the USA could and certainly would destroy everything electronic in this country. EMP stands for electromagnetic pulse created by the explosion of a nuclear bomb. Such rockets were recently fired by Iran, and North Korea and a dozen were delivered by North Korea to Yemen.
Literally hundreds of passenger jets will go down in minutes. More than 100,000 people will die in crashes. On the ground you will have every moving car truck or bus that has electronic ignitions and computer controlled fuel injection die. Most of those vehicles have power steering, so when the engine dies, drivers will lose control. That will kill and injure tens of thousands more.
Petrochemical refineries will be destroyed as the electronic controls of the oil cracking process and back ups all go down mid-process. With no controls, the uncontrolled cracking process will destroy the refineries.
There will be no emergency medical, police or fire service in all of this since telecommunications, transportation and power all died in the same instance. This means major fires will grow out of control and spread until natural barriers block them.
The attack could kill millions of Americans directly and indirectly through things like heat stress for the tens of thousands of elderly and heart patients denied air conditioning and medications as the transportation system shuts down.
Electric power would cease to exist; telecommunications would stop; no computers, telephones, radio or TV; No deliveries of food, medicine, newspapers; No hospital could function; No drinking water; Old-fashioned radios with tubes would be working on batteries to pick up signals originating from Europe or Asia.
Our military would be without communication capability and so would be all law enforcement agencies. Experts predict that it would be the instant return of the Great Depression with recovery to take a generation assuming our enemies within and in Islam would not capitalize on our condition.
Just imagine horses and wagons, and gunfights and mass epidemics. Life expectancy would suddenly shrink and the elderly would die in great masses. The only people you could communicate with would be those within your visual range or within the sound of your voice. Imagine the only way you could travel was to walk or ride a bike or a horse. Imagine no electricity, working telephones or computers; no fuel for cars or airplanes, no running elevators, no heat or light for houses and buildings, no running water and after a few days, no food. Imagine that you had to live under these conditions for months or even years.
It is not just radical Islam and its terrorists that could cripple us, but so could Iran and North Korea, where former Soviet experts are helping to develop their EMP capability. EMP was not a big issue during the Cold War, because both the Soviets and us contemplated massive attacks by thousands of warheads. There would have been little left after such a mutual madness to worry about electronic destruction and neither of us wanted to commit suicide. Russia has since perfected its EMP capability and so has China.
The world has changed since and thereby lays the danger. Our lives today completely depend on vulnerable electronics and electric grids. Only a Third World country with a minimal infrastructure could survive an EMP attack. We are the most vulnerable in the entire world and the nations of Islam are the least. Neither are Russia and China with their enormous landmasses.
Can you imagine that the explosion of a single atomic weapon in orbit over the USA could destroy our nation? The EMP Threat Commission, a blue ribbon group appointed by Congress urged last summer immediate action by Congress and the Administration to prevent this imminent danger, but neither has acted, nor is interested. They think condition yellow equals you safely hiding under the desk.
The talk is that we need a moderate third political party that is neither too conservative nor too liberal. What we need is a third party that will stop lying to the people and would put us on a war footing before we are destroyed by incompetence on one side and treason on the other. Join the REVOLT Party!
The Pentagon now has a “Balanced Electromagnetic Hardening” program. According to a budget item justification sheet, the program “provides the science and technology to ensure protection and survival of military battlefield and civilian infrastructure electronic systems against multiple electromagnetic environments, including nuclear electromagnetic pulse, high-power microwaves, as well as WMD threats. Designs and develops innovative, low-cost, balanced EM protection and test technologies for weapon systems; C3; and supporting infrastructure systems to the CINCs, services and other DoD agencies.”
Although information on military EMI/EMP hardening is classified, the DoD is paying attention to the issue. Civilian shielding programs, however, are badly lacking. One positive development is the increasing use of fiber optic cables. Most of them do not contain metal, so they are invulnerable to EMP. The more common they become, the less exposed systems are to an EMP. This is what Israel found out during the recent war with Hezbollah. Iran has created a fiber optic communication network that is not vulnerable to EMP but we still are. Sleep well.
Date: December 4, 2006 10:19:43 AM CST
James Baker's "Iraq Study Group" seems to have been cast as a stellar lineup: Clinton officials Leon Panetta and Bill Perry, Clinton golfing buddy Vernon Jordan, Clinton's fellow sex fiend Chuck Robb, the quintessential ''moderate'' Republican Alan Simpson, Supreme Court swing vote par excellence Sandra Day O'Connor . . .
As the Baker Commission concluded its deliberations by inviting testimony from — drumroll, please — Sen. John F. Kerry. If you're one of those dummies who goofs off in school, you wind up in Iraq. But, if you're sophisticated and nuanced, you wind up on a commission about Iraq. Rounding it all out is, inevitably, co-chairman Lee Hamilton, former congressman from Indiana. As you'll recall, he also co-chaired the 9/11 Commission, in accordance with Article II Section 5 of the U.S. Constitution, which states: "Ye monopoly of wisdom on ye foreign policy, national security and other weighty affairs shall be vested in a retired Representative from the 9th District in Indiana, if he be sufficiently venerable of mien. In the event that he becomes incapacitated, his place shall be taken by Jill St. John." I would be calling for a blue-ribbon commission to look into whether we need all these blue-ribbon commissions, but they'd probably get Lee Hamilton to chair that, too.
I'm sure Jim Baker kibitzing with John Kerry was the hottest ticket in town. But doesn't it strike you as just a tiny bit parochial? Aside from Senator Kerry, I wonder whether the commission thought to hear from anyone such as Goh Chok Tong, the former prime minister of Singapore. A couple of years back, on a visit to Washington just as the Democrat-media headless-chicken quagmire-frenzy was getting into gear, he summed it up beautifully:
''The key issue is no longer WMD or even the role of the U.N. The central issue is America's credibility and will to prevail.''
Singaporean Cabinet ministers apparently understand that more clearly than U.S. senators, congressmen and former secretaries of state. Or, as one Baker Commission grandee told the New York Times, ''We had to move the national debate from whether to stay the course to how do we start down the path out.''
An ''exit strategy'' on those terms is the path out not just from Iraq but from a lot of other places, too — including Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Venezuela, Russia, China, the South Sandwich Islands. For America would be revealed to the world as a fraud: a hyperpower that's all hype and no power — or, at any rate, no will. According to the New York Sun, ''An expert adviser to the Baker-Hamilton commission expects the 10-person panel to recommend that the Bush administration pressure Israel to make concessions in a gambit to entice Syria and Iran to a regional conference . . .''
James Baker's most celebrated soundbite on the Middle East ''peace process'': ''F - - k the Jews. They didn't vote for us anyway.'' His recommendations seem intended to f - - k the Jews well and truly by making them the designated fall guys for Iraq. But hang on: If Israel could be forced into giving up the Golan Heights and other land (as some fantasists suggest) in order to persuade the Syrians and Iranians to ease up on killing coalition forces in Iraq, our enemies would have learned an important lesson: The best way to weaken Israel is to kill Americans. I'm all for Bakerite cynicism, but this would seem to f - - k not just the Jews but the Americans, too.
It would, furthermore, be a particularly contemptible confirmation of a line I heard Bernard Lewis, our greatest Middle Eastern scholar, use the other day — that ''America is harmless as an enemy and treacherous as a friend.'' To punish your friends as a means of rewarding your enemies for killing your forces would seem to be an almost ludicrously parodic illustration of that dictum. In the end, America would be punishing itself. The world would understand that Vietnam is not the exception but the rule.
It has been strange to see my pals on the right approach Iraq as a matter of inventory and personnel. Many call for more troops to be sent to Baghdad, others say the U.S. armed forces overall are too small and overstretched. Look, America is responsible for 40 percent of the planet's military spending: It spends more money on its armed forces than the next 43 biggest militaries combined, from China, Britain and France all the way down the military-spending hit parade to Montenegro and Angola. Yet it's not big enough to see off an insurgency confined to a 30-mile radius of a desert capital?
It's not the planes, the tanks, the men, the body armor. It's the political will. You can have the best car in town, but it won't go anywhere if you don't put your foot on the pedal. Three years ago, when it was obvious Syria and Iran were violating Iraq's borders with impunity, we should have done what the British did in the so-called ''Confrontation'' with Indonesia 40 years ago when they were faced with Jakarta doing to the newly independent state of Malaysia exactly what Damascus and Tehran are doing to Iraq. British, Aussie and Malaysian forces sent troops on low-key, lethally effective raids into Indonesia, keeping the enemy on the defensive and winning the war with barely a word making the papers. If the strategic purpose in invading Iraq was to create a regional domino effect, then playing defense in the Sunni Triangle for three years makes no sense. We should never have wound up hunkered down in the Green Zone. If there has to be a Green Zone, it should be on the Syrian side of the border.
Perhaps the Baker Commission's proposals will prove not to be as empty and risible as those leaked. But, if they are, the president should pay them no heed. A bipartisan sellout — the Republicans cut and the Democrats run — would be an awesome self-humiliation of the United States. And once the rest of the world figures it out, it'll be America that's the Green Zone. (Mark Steyn)
Date: December 7, 2006 1:32:12 PM CST
It appears more likely that Israel may have to deal with Iran in a last ditch suicidal exchange of nukes. Intelligence sources have reported some time ago that Iran has acquired two nuclear bombs from North Korea. Their aggressive stance and belligerent attitude is based on the fact that they believe they can destroy Israel with a few nukes but Israel could not cripple Iran even with dropping dozens of nukes on Iran.
I took time to revisit the bombing of the Iraqi nuclear reactor in 1981, condemned by the entire world, especially the French who were constructing the facility in exchange for the double price that Saddam was paying them. The war against Iraq in 1991 would have ended differently had Saddam been able to use atomic weapons against us in the Gulf War, that the destruction of the reactor prevented.
The destruction of the reactor by the IAF was preceded by 18 months of special training for the job by a group of world class pilots. I find it almost impossible to conduct a similar operation today because Iran has learned to disburse their operations over more than a dozen facilities, all highly fortified and protected by sophisticated air defenses. Russia, has just agreed to furnish Iran the latest in anti aircraft technology. They are itching to have our planes, or Israeli planes shot down by Tor-M1, the Russian’s most modern weapon system.
The United States has a dismal record in staying loyal to their friends. Our history is a repetition of betrayals following betrayals. Just in my recent memory the betrayal of Hungary, Cuba, Vietnam, Cambodia, Nicaragua, the Kurds and Shiites in 1991 all had grave consequences, but we just walked away nonchalantly leaving massacres of innocents behind.
Are we ready to betray and abandon Israel? Jimmy Carter thinks so and his latest book, not denounced by the Democrats, virtually calls for it.
I had the misfortune to have listened Sunday by accident to some moron on Air America who seemed to proclaim the stance of the Democratic Party. We should not be in the Middle East and continue the stupid policies of Bush and Cheney. As soon as we leave everything would settle down and be peaceful. He blamed the neo-cons (Jews) who are pushing now to fight Iran and we really have no reason to do so except for oil, which we should not use. All Republicans want to do is fight but we stand for peace. Just like Neville Chamberlin had his “peace in our time” we may be heading that way ourselves. Perhaps it will be Jim Baker remembered as the Neville Chamberlin of our time.
“If only we would just formally talk with Iran and Syria, the axis of evil, they would volunteer to keep Iraq stable while we start removing troops.”
Turkish troops are massing at the Iraq border right now ready to take over Kurd territories. We are keeping it quiet but they have already invaded many areas and are occupying them. Imagine the scene as everyone wants a piece of Iraq and the oil. $100 oil will be cheap.
Add to this the report by Jim Baker, never a friend of Israel, and it is time to be concerned. Nuclear war, worldwide depression, and jubilant fascist Muslims? A nightmare scenario. Where are our leaders who understand and willing to speak up?
Putin and the Arabs do business differently than we. We worry about hurting the feelings of terrorists, while Putin and the Syrians simply murder their enemies. Alexander Litvinenko dies horrible a death because he has documents implicating Putin and how he got in power. The Syrians kill Hariri and Gemayel and nobody here cares. Just lets do business with them. There is nothing worse than to get involved in Middle East style bargaining while trying to maintain our moral and civilized standards. All of you know the story of the frog and the scorpion.
There is a silver lining to all this. The cost will be painfully high but the disaster created by the Democrats may well arouse the public and we may throw them out in 2008. But how do we throw out Jim Baker and his "pragmatist" ilk?
Date: December 10, 2006 4:03:52 PM CST
My Fellow Americans:
When I took the Oath of Office as President I swore on the Bible that I will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. In order to fulfill my obligation during the remaining term of my office and as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces I have issued the following 10 Executive Orders with more to follow.
1. The United States has a surplus of nuclear weapons. In the tradition of Franklin D. Roosevelt I will institute an immediate lend-lease program and deliver to our allies in the war against terror 500 nuclear bombs and delivery systems to be used at their discretion to defend themselves and or to pursue the effort to defeat the world wide terrorist threat.
2. I have instructed the Defense and Justice Departments to arrest, hold in military detentions for the duration of the war against terror without bail and prosecute any person who discloses military and defense secrets and to institute immediate censorship of all publications engaged in such disclosures with the objective to terminate such activity. Persons committing such treason will not be entitled to any form of immunity.
3. I have ordered the immediate deportation of all non-citizens involved in agitating against the war against terror, including but not limited to individuals using religious or educational facilities for such purpose.
4. I have ordered our military forces to occupy all offshore oil and gas production facilities in the Persian Gulf to protect the supply of energy to the free world.
5. I have instructed our military forces to destroy all nuclear facilities of Iran engaged in the production of nuclear materials to be utilized for nuclear weapons. I have authorized the usage of nuclear devices to accomplish these objectives.
6. I have instructed our Armed forces to search the Bekaa Valley of Syria to destroy weapons of mass destruction smuggled from Iraq and drug production and smuggling facilities. If met with resistance I have authorized the usage of nuclear devices to achieve this objective.
7. I have federalized the military reserve forces of California, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona and merged them with the Border Patrol to effectively shut down the illegal entry of potential terrorists.
8. I have notified the President of Mexico that all money transfers from the United States will be taxed at 40% with the resulting funds utilized to offset the cost of social and medical services provided for illegal Mexican nationals in the US.
9. In order to reduce the cost of Government and reduce the deficit, I have issued orders to the Treasury Department that pursuant to Executive Order 11110 AMENDMENT OF EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 10289 by President John F. Kennedy, the United States shall immediately commence the issuance of silver and gold backed currency. I have also instructed the Treasury Secretary to demand that the Federal Reserve Bank make full disclosure of the amount of dollars printed since January 1 2006.
10. In order to protect us against spying and reduce the danger of terrorist infiltration I have served notice on the United Nations to remove its headquarters from New York by the end of this year. I have recess appointed Judge Robert Bork as our representative to the UN. In the event the UN refuses to relocate, I have instructed the State Department to remove all diplomatic immunity as of January 1 2008 from any person claiming it under the UN privilege.
Then I woke up and realized I was just dreaming.
Oil producers shun dollar
By Haig Simonian in Zurich and Javier Blas and Carola Hoyos in London
Published: December 10 2006 20:11 | Last updated: December 10 2006 20:11
Oil producing countries have reduced their exposure to the dollar to the lowest level in two years and shifted oil income into euros, yen and sterling, according to new data from the Bank for International Settlements.
The revelation in the latest BIS quarterly review, published on Monday, confirms market speculation about a move out of dollars and could put new pressure on the ailing US currenc
The BIS, the central bank for the developed world’s central banks, is customarily cautious in its language. However, it noted: “While the data are not comprehensive, they do appear to indicate a modest shift over the quarter in the US dollar share of reporting banks’ liabilities to oil exporting countries.”
The review shows that Qatar and Iran, whose foreign exchange policy has sparked widespread market speculation, cut their dollar holdings by $2.4bn and $4bn respectively.
Currency switches are likely to be progressive, subtle and discreet, as untoward attention could hit the dollar, lowering the value of depositors’ remaining dollar-denominated assets.
The last time oil-exporting countries cut their exposure to the dollar – in late 2003 – it pushed the euro to an all-time high against the dollar. Eighteen months ago, the exposure to the dollar of oil producing countries was above 70 per cent.
BIS data is the best guide financial markets have to the currency investment trends of oil producers, which otherwise do not provide figures. The rise in oil prices since 2002 means oil producing countries have amassed a current account surplus of about $500bn, according to the IMF. This is 2½ times the current account surplus of China.
Overall, Opec’s dollar deposits fell by $5.3bn, while euro and yen-denominated deposits rose $2.8bn and $3.8bn, respectively. Placements of dollars by Russians rose by $5bn, but most of their $16bn additional deposits were denominated in euros.
Additional reporting by Peter Garnham in London
Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2006
“Has everyone forgotten what the world looked like when America (and Israel) was feared? Have the foreign policy castrati taken over? Does no one sing baritone anymore? The terrorists in Iraq, and among us, use fear as a primary tactic. We form study groups and issue statements saying we must ‘act wisely.’ Iran’s dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad vows to obliterate Israel and U.S. diplomats recommend we talk to him. Whatever happened to ‘if you touch us, it will be the last thing you touch’? Ah, but that was before political correctness and sensitivity training. Now, the only thing the thugs have to fear is fear itself. They certainly don’t fear us.” —Cal Thomas
Recommendation 16 of the Iraq Study Group’s report calls upon Syria to agree to a peace deal with Israel in return for the Golan Heights. It further suggests that Syria be persuaded to end its interference in Lebanon, cease aiding Hezbollah, convince Hamas to recognize Israel’s right to exist, and intervene to obtain the release of two captured Israeli soldiers. Elsewhere the report declares that ‘Iran should stem the flow of arms and training to Iraq, respect Iraq’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and use its influence over Iraqi Shia groups to encourage national reconciliation.’ The authors of this report are supposed to be the foreign policy realists? These goals make President Bush’s ambition to germinate a democracy in Arab soil look positively minimalist by comparison. Instead of a sober new look at our options in Iraq, this report consists of platitudinous, utterly naive wishful thinking. No wonder it is being so rapturously received by the media... It is chasing a shadow to imagine that ‘settling’ the Arab/Israeli dispute will pacify the region. But the group chose a particularly inapposite moment to seek a solution to the Israeli/Arab dispute... Shiites and Sunnis are not going to stop killing each other because the borders of the West Bank are redrawn.” —Mona Charen
During his senate hearings, Gates confirmed - and thus justified - Iran’s quest for a nuclear weapon by declaring that the Islamic republic Iran wants the power of deterrence against “the nuclear countries surrounding them – Pakistan in the east, Russia in the north, Israel in the west and the United States in the Persian Gulf." He also denied any guarantee against Iran using nuclear weapons against Israel. Robert Gates won bipartisan acclaim in the US Senate for a new path which presages drastic US policy changes in three spheres which bear profoundly on Israel’s military and diplomatic situation: Iran, its nuclear program and a Middle East nuclear arms race. James Baker revealed to the Senate Armed Forces Committee Thursday, Dec. 7 of the message to Tehran that Washington would accept the continuation of Iran’s nuclear activities in return for help in securing an orderly US military withdrawal from Iraq.
The US has washed its hands of responsibility for stopping Iran nuking Israel (or anyone else for that matter); indeed in a nuclear confrontation, the United States will stand aside.
Israel's Prime Minister in an interview in Germany answering a question as to an Israeli pre-emptive military attack on Iran said: “I rule nothing out.”
Sleep well.
Date: December 14, 2006 3:49:35 PM CST
When someone reaches my age there are stories to tell about the good old days. There are also stories about the bad times and the lessons to be learned from them. Unfortunately it is a basic human tendency not to learn from other people’s mistakes, or from history, because we all live with a built in arrogance that we are different and the none of the bad things that happen to others apply to us.
Here is a short vignette that is worth repeating. I have told this story often over the last 60 years but today it will call attention to something that you may find strange and bordering the insane.
Hungary was defeated in World War 2 having been allied with the Germans. Russian forces occupied Hungary and moved everything that was movable or could be stolen back to Mother Russia. I have seen them remove hinges from doors, because in primitive Russia hinges were crude and doors did not close well.
As a result of this massive looting Hungary was economically destroyed and the currency was worthless. Inflation was beyond belief. Just imagine that the money printed lost its value by the hour. I went to a restaurant and the menu was written on a blackboard and while we ate the prices were changed about every 15 minutes. People needed to get paid daily and they received so much paper money that they needed shopping bags to carry their daily wages when they went shopping for daily necessities.
I bought a pair of nice boots. The price was 7.5 grams of gold. The clerk told me that based on the current exchange rate I owed them 2 million forints for the boots plus 20% making the total 2.4 million forints. The 20% was added to the price to allow the storeowner reach the black market where he could exchange the money for gold coins. As you may guess million forint bank notes were quite common by then. I still have some to remind me of those days.
The government used several neat tricks to devalue the money. On Friday evening, after the Post Offices shut down, they would announce that as of Monday morning you had to paste a postage stamp of equal value on each bank note to be worth it face value. This was 50% devaluation. Soon the public caught on and every Friday evening people bought postal money orders that the government had to deliver the following week at the newly inflated rate.
The black market in gold flourished. The price of gold increased as rapidly as the value of the printed money depreciated. It was slow at first but then it accelerated finally to an unbelievable speed. The forint was in full collapse.
Then one morning a miracle occurred. The government announced that as of that morning a new currency had been issued. The conversion rate was like one million to one. The new Pengö, however, was not just paper money. Each Pengö was backed by gold and US dollars. Hungary overnight returned to sanity.
You may now ask how did the Hungarian Government get the gold and Dollars to support their new currency? They did it by buying gold and dollars on the black market with the money they have printed. They distributed the worthless Forints through the black market and in the process
secured the foundation for a gold and dollar backed currency.
How does this story apply to us in the 21st Century America? Look at the US Dollar. It is, what experts call: fiat money, just like the Hungarian Forint was. It is not backed by any commodity, gold or silver. It is not worth more than the paper it s printed on. It has been backed by the agreement of most of the world’s governments that all oil bought or sold must be for US dollars. This means everyone who needed to buy oil had to first send us some of their goodies in exchange for our dollars so that they can go out and buy oil. These petrodollars have been a strong foundation for the dollar for the last 60 years. You have read many recent announcements that many of the oil producers now don’t accept dollars for their oil anymore.
This means that the dollar is getting to be worth less and less. Oil and merchandise producers (China) who have been happy to accept our paper money for their goodies are now dumping more and more of the dollars. They are careful, however, not to dump it too fast, because if they do, the trillions of dollars they hold may become worthless too fast. They are taking their time and are using their dollar holding to buy goodies from us and others to get rid of the dollars.
Which brings us to the real insanity. Do you know who creates and prints the dollars? It is printed and created by a private corporation which refuses to disclose how much they are printing and where they are sending the money. So how do you and me get the money? This private corporation buys US Treasury bonds with the dollars they print. This way the US Govt. and the banks get the dollar bills that you and I are using. Did you realize that you and I and the US Govt. has to pay interest on these Treasury bonds to this private corporation for the privilege of using the paper money printed by them? This interest payment is one of the largest items creating our national debt and deficit.
The last President who understood this farce and tried to put an end to it was JFK. He ordered the Treasury Department to start printing our own money backed by the silver holdings of the US. Do you remember seeing paper money in the 70s that stated it was backed by silver? As soon as JFK was assassinated silver backed dollar production instantly stopped. There are many conspiracy theorists who still believe that this private corporation may have been involved somehow in the assassination.
Perhaps now you will understand why this old Hungarian feels so concerned about the survival of this country. When the Hungarian government secretly used fiat money to by gold it was to secure survival of Hungary. What is the purpose behind destroying the value of the dollar and thus create a potential worldwide depression and chaos never before experienced by mankind? Is it just plain ignorance or is it more sinister? Most importantly: what can you do for yourself, your family, your community, your nation now that you better understand what is going on?##