Have you had enough?
Thursday, July 02, 2009
American capitalism gone with a whimper
27.04.2009 Source: Pravda.Ru URL: http://english.pravda.ru/opinion/columnists/107459-american_capitalism-0

It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people.

True, the situation has been well prepared on and off for the past century, especially the past twenty years. The initial testing grounds was conducted upon our Holy Russia and a bloody test it was. But we Russians would not just roll over and give up our freedoms and our souls, no matter how much money Wall Street poured into the fists of the Marxists.

Those lessons were taken and used to properly prepare the American populace for the surrender of their freedoms and souls, to the whims of their elites and betters.

First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard education system based on pop culture, rather then the classics. Americans know more about their favorite TV dramas then the drama in DC that directly affects their lives. They care more for their "right" to choke down a McDonalds burger or a BurgerKing burger than for their constitutional rights. Then they turn around and lecture us about our rights and about our "democracy". Pride blind the foolish.

Then their faith in God was destroyed, until their churches, all tens of thousands of different "branches and denominations" were for the most part little more then Sunday circuses and their televangelists and top protestant mega preachers were more then happy to sell out their souls and flocks to be on the "winning" side of one pseudo Marxist politician or another. Their flocks may complain, but when explained that they would be on the "winning" side, their flocks were ever so quick to reject Christ in hopes for earthly power. Even our Holy Orthodox churches are scandalously liberalized in America.

The final collapse has come with the election of Barack Obama. His speed in the past three months has been truly impressive. His spending and money printing has been a record setting, not just in America's short history but in the world. If this keeps up for more then another year, and there is no sign that it will not, America at best will resemble the Wiemar Republic and at worst Zimbabwe.

These past two weeks have been the most breath taking of all. First came the announcement of a planned redesign of the American Byzantine tax system, by the very thieves who used it to bankroll their thefts, loses and swindles of hundreds of billions of dollars. These make our Russian oligarchs look little more then ordinary street thugs, in comparison. Yes, the Americans have beat our own thieves in the shear volumes. Should we congratulate them?

These men, of course, are not an elected panel but made up of appointees picked from the very financial oligarchs and their henchmen who are now gorging themselves on trillions of American dollars, in one bailout after another. They are also usurping the rights, duties and powers of the American congress (parliament). Again, congress has put up little more then a whimper to their masters.

Then came Barack Obama's command that GM's (General Motor) president step down from leadership of his company. That is correct, dear reader, in the land of "pure" free markets, the American president now has the power, the self given power, to fire CEOs and we can assume other employees of private companies, at will. Come hither, go dither, the centurion commands his minions.

So it should be no surprise, that the American president has followed this up with a "bold" move of declaring that he and another group of unelected, chosen stooges will now redesign the entire automotive industry and will even be the guarantee of automobile policies. I am sure that if given the chance, they would happily try and redesign it for the whole of the world, too. Prime Minister Putin, less then two months ago, warned Obama and UK's Blair, not to follow the path to Marxism, it only leads to disaster. Apparently, even though we suffered 70 years of this Western sponsored horror show, we know nothing, as foolish, drunken Russians, so let our "wise" Anglo-Saxon fools find out the folly of their own pride.

Again, the American public has taken this with barely a whimper...but a "freeman" whimper.

So, should it be any surprise to discover that the Democratically controlled Congress of America is working on passing a new regulation that would give the American Treasury department the power to set "fair" maximum salaries, evaluate performance and control how private companies give out pay raises and bonuses? Senator Barney Franks, a social pervert basking in his homosexuality (of course, amongst the modern, enlightened American societal norm, as well as that of the general West, homosexuality is not only not a looked down upon life choice, but is often praised as a virtue) and his Marxist enlightenment, has led this effort. He stresses that this only affects companies that receive government monies, but it is retroactive and taken to a logical extreme, this would include any company or industry that has ever received a tax break or incentive.

The Russian owners of American companies and industries should look thoughtfully at this and the option of closing their facilities down and fleeing the land of the Red as fast as possible. In other words, divest while there is still value left.

The proud American will go down into his slavery with out a fight, beating his chest and proclaiming to the world, how free he really is. The world will only snicker.

Stanislav Mishin

[LiveInternet: показано число просмотров и посетителей за 24 часа] Rambler's Top100 Рейтинг@Mail.ru


1. Many of my readers indicated that they plan obtain a concealed handgun permit. Even if you do not have such a permit, under Texas law you may carry a weapon while you are traveling, which means every time you get into your car. Regardless of all the above and variations of laws in your state, I need to inform you that there is a criterion that determines whether you have used a firearm in self-defense under the law. This criterion is seldom taught or explained in CHP classes, but it is extremely important that you know about this BEFORE you use a gun in self-defense. This defense cannot be used in court if you are accused of a crime involving having used a firearm, if you learned about it AFTER you shot somebody.
The name of this concept is the “TUELLER DRILL”, but it us not necessary for you to remember the name of the detective who invented the concept in 1983, as long as you remember that you knew about it and where you learned about it.

This “drill” estimates the distance from where an assailant brandishing a knife, a baseball bat, a broken beer bottle, etc. can be considered a lethal threat to you. It takes into consideration your physical reaction time and the assailant’s speed to reach you. You may test yourself and determine how much time you need to recognize a threat, draw your weapon and fire the weapon. The average time is 2 seconds even if you have your gun already in hand and an assailant can travel 21 feet in 2 seconds.
Many people do not believe these facts and it is easy to prove to them by conducting an experiment that an attacker who is 21 feet away would physically hurt them. Have somebody ready to run at a given signal and measure the distance he covers until you have fired your gun AT A TARGET.
Also consider that the attacker’s forward momentum after he is shot would still allow him to inflict grave injury to you. It is estimated that assailants can still function as long as 14 seconds after being shot. The smart idea is to move sideways or backwards after you have hit your target and more shots you have fired, better your chances of survival.

This where the “stopping power” of your gun plays an important role. Stopping power depends not just on the caliber of your gun but also the type of ammunition used. For your concealed weapon make sure you are using defense ammunition designed to increase stopping power. The goal of your' firing the gun is not to kill someone, but to stop the threat to your life.

Some bullets will kill the assailant but they will not stop him. A steel, round nosed 9 mm bullet may go through the assailant’s body without stopping him, or damaging any major organ, yet the assailant may bleed to death in a short time or many hours later.

For those who are interested I will follow up with


History repeats itself?

The headline in the paper said: “Is U.S.ammo going to Taliban?” and within minutes it took me on a ride of thousands of miles and decades of never forgotten memory. This is the curse of “having been there and having done it” that old age brings. At least some old age. It was just a few weeks ago when I wrote, “Forgetfulness is a curse and blessing of old age. It would be far worse if we could not forget, than if we could not remember. You can always remember something that you have forgotten, but you cannot force yourself to forget something that you don't want to remember.” Here is an example of memory that I wish I would not remember.

As soon as I saw the headline several images jumped up in my mind. The scar faced super-Nazi Otto Skorzeny [1], the forgery operation at the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp[2], Serb partisans, Benito Mussolini[3], Thompson Machine guns[4].

During World War II the Thompson sub-machine gun was widely utilized in British and Canadian Commando units, as well as U.S. paratrooper and Ranger battalions which used it because of its high rate of fire, its stopping power and because it was very effective in close combat. Skorzeny wanted to acquire Thompsons for his commando units and purchased them from Serbian partisans by paying them large amounts of forged British Pounds made by Jewish prisoners at the Schasenhausen Concentration camp. Using his newly acquired guns he then rescued Benito Mussolini from captivity in Italy and delivered him to a very appreciative Adolf Hitler in Germany.

“Sachsenhausen was the site of the largest counterfeiting operation ever. The Nazis forced inmate artisans to produce forged American and British currency, as part of a plan to undermine the British and United States' economies, courtesy of Sicherheitsdienst (SD) chief Reinhard Heydrich. Over one billion pounds in counterfeited banknotes was recovered. The Germans introduced fake British £5, £10, £20 and £50 notes into circulation in 1943: the Bank of England never found them. Plans had been made to drop British pounds over London by plane. Today, these notes[5] are considered very valuable by collectors.”

Instead of recollecting all of my memories prompted by this headline, I will let you read one of the chapters from my autobiography: “THE VISION” [6] published 8 years ago. It is entitled: “Easy Money”.[7]

I have also decided to sell the remaining genuine forged British Pounds that I still own. If you know a collector who wants to buy one let me know. A piece of history with a story attached to it. If there are no buyers among you, I will auction them off on E-Bay.



Iran has secretly established a new base on an Indian Ocean shore. It is located under the nose of the US Navy. The new base will endanger US maritime activities in the event of hostilities by providing a base for Russian warships.

The number of US warships maintained in the Gulf has been reduced to its lowest level in two years; President Obama quietly reduced their presence near Iran's shores in order to generate a positive atmosphere for the coming US dialogue with the Islamic Republic. Not a single US aircraft carrier is consequently to be found anywhere in the Gulf region.

Russian warships arrived at the Bahrain port of Manama, seat of the US Fifth Fleet in the Persian Gulf. They will be following in the wake of the Russian vessels already docked at the Omani port of Salalah, the first to avail themselves of facilities at Gulf ports.

The Iranian naval chief, Adm. Habibollah Sayyari, announced that six Iranian warships had been dispatched to "the international waters" of the Gulf of Aden in a "historically unprecedented move… to show its ability to confront any foreign threats."
Russian and Iranian naval movements in the two strategic seas were synchronized at the highest levels in Tehran and Moscow. The US Navy appears to be abandoning the Gulf areas under the direction of Pres. Obama prior to his arrival to the Middle East to demonstrate his willingness to negotiate without preconditions.

In testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that was largely ignored by the media, Democrat Robert Morgenthau, Manhattan District Attorney opened a window on how Iran is secretly obtaining the ingredients for an arsenal of mass destruction. Mr. Morgenthau's information is corroborated by a staff report for the Foreign Relations Committee, chaired by Democrat John Kerry, which notes that Iran is making nuclear progress on all fronts, and that it "could produce enough weapons-grade material for a bomb within six months."

Iran recently test fired a two stage, solid fuel ballistic missile, the Sejil II. This missile has a range of 2,000 kilometers, and can reach Israel. Iran already has dozens of liquid fuel missile with the same range, the Shahab 3. What makes the Sejil II more dangerous is the fact that it can be fired on short notice. The Shahab 3 takes several hours to get ready, as the liquid fuel must be pumped into the missile. Israeli spies and photo satellites can spot the Shahab 3s being fueled, allowing the Israeli anti-missile systems to be placed on a higher degree of readiness. This makes it more likely that the Iranian missiles would be intercepted. Israel believes that Iran got the advanced solid fuel technology from Pakistan.

Pakistan and Iran have reached agreement on a gas pipeline between the two countries, concluding 14 years of talks opposed by the US. The influence of the US has diminished under the Obama administration, which is considered to be impotent when facing international challenges.


The US has no effective countermoves against North Korea. Military action by the Obama administration is totally improbable. Not because we are unable to do so, but it is against the master plan followed by Obama of a peaceful world while he is pursuing his domestic socialist agenda. The military would also object in view of facing a 1.1 million-strong army plus 180,000-strong Special Forces. They know that the North has created hardened massive artillery bases that are zeroed in on the US base ready to destroy it with a barrage of conventional, chemical and biological weapons

South Korea and Japan have been protected until now by a US nuclear umbrella, but they now have reasonably serious doubts about Obama’s intentions to continue such protection. While S. Korea has the option described below, Japan’s decision to protect itself by going nuclear would have serious consequences throughout the area.

I believe there are two other factors that should have an impact on things to come. South Korea’s economy is booming and expanding. It needs additional markets and the best such market is the starving North Korean population. There is a similarity between the Soviet troops in World War II and the N. Korean military. They are starving and in need of basic necessities.

I recall Russian soldiers carrying home even the smallest of articles they needed at home. They took hinges off doors, because they were no such hinges in Russia. It was a caricature of the Russian soldier who with a dozen wristwatches on both arms considered himself rich, because a wristwatch was a symbol of wealth in the USSR.

With more than a million motivated soldiers eager to pillage and enjoy the luxuries offered by the affluent South, as compared with their sordid and starving existence in the North, combined with the desire of the South to open new markets, I can foresee a peaceful solution. Especially if Japan rises to the challenge and announces going nuclear. This would unite the Koreans against their ancient enemy.

N. Korea made a well-timed strategic move and will be rewarded by an impotent US government. It is now in position to improve the fortunes of its starving citizenry and open new markets for its weapons exports. It is up to them now to collect their prize and not push the envelope further. Unfortunately logic does not govern human decision. Wisdom is limited - insanity has no boundaries.



I had the privilege to read a book that was out of print until recently, but has just been republished. KEYNES AT HARVARD was written by the late Zygmund Dobbs. In order to appreciate the sensational contents better, I researched the life history of Mr. Dobbs and found a letter written by his daughter in 2007:

“My father, Zygmund Dobbs, was a well-read autodidact of high intelligence who started out as a radical Trotskyite who was active in the UAW. Being the rare radical from a working class background, he joined those who were disillusioned with radicalism and devoted his life to fighting the illusions of the left.

After a picaresque life spent in union organizing, intelligence work, politics and much else, he settled down into doing research on Fabian Socialism for many years.

Keynes at Harvard was written at the suggestion of a Yale Economics professor, Olin Glenn Saxon. Professor Saxon felt that certain truths about Keynes, and others, could only be written by an outsider.

The work was sponsored by the Veritas Foundation, which was an organization of disaffected conservative Harvard alumni ('Veritas' being Harvard's motto.)

Fascinating as the questions concerning Keynes' sexual orientation no doubt must be (and my Dad was nothing if not a thorough researcher), the interesting issue the book raises is Keyenes' Fabianism, and how it was Fabian policy to conceal their socialist intentions and excellent relations with Russian communists. This is not a small matter. When one listens to the Democratic presidential candidates today, they are, knowingly or ignorantly, all espousing latter day Fabianism.”

Although most of my life I battled communism because I had seen it operate in real life and not in theory, I must confess that for a long time I did not understand that communism was only the tip of the iceberg with its rough edges. Underneath, however, was the smooth and subtle mass of the iceberg of the socialist revolution, which using the name of liberalism fiercely pursued the same goals as the communists did openly.

This book explains what happened to us in the last 50 years using the design of Fabian socialist doctrine better known as Keynesian theory. The same doctrine dominated Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Bolshevik Russia and the British Labor Party.

“The average man is very busy earning a living in his own particular line. Matters outside his own business must come to him in clear and uncomplicated language.
The Keynesians know this. Keynes in particular knew it. He clothed the simplest proposition in the most complicated phraseology. In this way the clearest facts have been beclouded. Businessmen often mistake such verbiage for profundity and are led to believe that the Keynesians have exclusive knowledge of some magic formulas incapable of being grasped by the average man. This exactly what Keynes and his followers wished. It gave them carte blanche to pursue their ends.”

This is a magic book, or rather a book explaining magic tricks that led to our pre-planned economic demise. It also reveals the sordid sexual relationships of some of the well-known authoritarian figures of the Fabian socialist and Marxist movements. That is the sideshow. How we have been deceived and are still deceived is the main thrust of the book. Although written 50 years ago it has not lost its relevancy. I recommend it to those of you who have not been dumbed down by the educational establishment and understand that knowledge is the weapon by which this enemy will be defeated.
The book can be purchased at




American Magic Is Real
The Taliban claims that the U.S. is giving its agents in Pakistan small electronic devices, to plant near high value targets, so that American UAVs can find and hit those targets with Hellfire missiles. Despite all the chatter (and videos of American "spies" confessing to their use), the Taliban have not been able to display one of these "electronic chips" (as they like to call them).

But such devices do exist. They are small (half an inch thick, but otherwise the size of two or three pennies). These "remote tagging systems" can be used to transmit its location for months, enabling aircraft, or UAVs, overhead to collect the location information. These have been used to find Taliban and al Qaeda safe houses and bases. But in Pakistan, they are apparently used by a local American operative to show which building in a village or compound, the bad guys are in. The UAV comes along, picks up the tagging system device location, then fires the Hellfires.

This was one case where the Islamic terrorists got the technical capabilities of an American device right. In the past, the Islamic radicals tended to attribute more capabilities to the American gear than was justified. The most widely talked about magical devices are the air conditioned body armor and the x-ray sunglasses. Both of these far-fetched speculations have a basis in truth. The U.S. does have a water cooled vest for crewmen in armored vehicles and helicopters. There is an x-ray device that sees through walls, and clothes, but it is not small enough to fit into sun glasses. The smaller ones, however, can be carried by infantrymen on raids.

Chinese movie director Zhang Yimou has been brought in to create a suitable celebration ceremony for the 60th anniversary of the founding of communist China. Zhang has quite a track record in this area, having designed the opening ceremonies for last years Olympics, which were held in China. Zhang's list of movies ("Raise the Red Lantern", "Hero" and "House of Flying Daggers,") is also impressive.

The use of professional stage directors to organize political events is nothing new. Some governments used them in the 19th century, but they became big time when German dictator Adolf Hitler had a movie director orchestrate some of his political rallies, and film them as well. Throughout the 20th century, more politicians brought in stage and movie directors to spiff up their public events. So whether you're selling Nazism, communism or some other political party, you want to make sure you deliver an effective message.
Obama has utilized entertainment for its maximum effect during his presidential campaign. Most of his appearances “coincided” with maximum appeal rock concerts and his stage appearances were co-coordinated by Hollywood professionals.

South Korea Plans To Invade The North

South Korea has made public what many have suspected for several years now. If North Korea attacks, South Korea is prepared to go north and attack, or invade, their neighbor. This is no surprise to those who have been observing the South Korean armed forces development after the end of the Cold War in 1991. During the same time, the North Korean armed forces have declined because of a bankrupt economy and no money for replacing obsolete equipment, or for training. Meanwhile, the booming economy in the South led to the growth of domestic arms industry, and the re-equipping the South Korean military with modern, and locally made, weapons. The southern generals also believe that the North Korean military is in terminal decline. Over a decade of famine and extreme poverty has caused severe reductions in maintenance and training in the North Korean military. This has sharply lowered the combat capabilities of the northern force. Corruption and poverty has increased corruption and insubordination up north. In response to all that, South Korea staff officers have quietly been drawing up plans on how they would move into the North. This would happen either in response to an attack from the North, or, a collapse of the communist police state government up there.

Meanwhile, U.S. forces in South Korea have shrunk to the point where the U.S. no longer commands all forces there (as has been the case since the Korean War). South Korea commanders are taking over, and South Korean staff officers are drawing up new contingency plans. There is fear that Obama will cut the American force in South Korea to token (a few thousand troops) size and senior military officers have made plans on what they are going to do.

The Black Ambulances Of Gaza

The Arab language media are carrying stories of how Hamas has seized tons of donated medical supplies in Gaza, and putting the stuff in Hamas controlled warehouse. The medical supplies are then only distributed to those who have proved their loyalty to Hamas, or simply sold in the markets. Hamas also seized at least 46 donated ambulances, repainted them, and turned them over to Hamas police and militia units. This has enraged the media in Persian Gulf countries, which donated most of the medical supplies, for treating civilians injured during the 22 day war with Israel earlier this year. But instead, Hamas is seizing much of this aid to support the fight against anti-Hamas groups in Gaza and Israel.

Russian Armor For the Palestinians
Russia is donating 50 Russian made wheeled armored vehicles to the Palestinian Fatah security forces. Israel has agreed to let the vehicles in. Over two years ago, in an attempt to bolster Fatah control in the West Bank, Israel also donated 50 Russian made BTR vehicles to the Fatah security forces. In addition, a thousand assault rifles and two million rounds of ammo were sent. Israeli military and police officials protested, as in the past, most weapons and equipment given to the Palestinian security forces, eventually was used against the Israelis. This continued to happen, but less so than in the past, which is why the Israelis are letting the Russian vehicles in.


Mob Rule Coming.

A young friend of mine came to me for advice and put me in a difficult position. By sharing with you his request for advice I am putting you in the same difficult position. What would you say to him?

Here is the background for his question.

Three Black Panthers in military-style uniforms, black berets, combat boots, battle-dress pants, black jackets with military-style insignias and armed with "a dangerous weapon" used racial slurs and insults to scare would-be voters and those there to assist them at a Philadelphia polling location on Nov. 4. 2008

According to a poll watcher, Bartle Bull, a longtime civil rights activist and former aide to Sen. Robert F. Kennedy's 1968 presidential campaign “, the men created an intimidating presence at the entrance to a poll," he declared. "In all my experience in politics, in civil rights litigation and in my efforts in the 1960s to secure the right to vote in Mississippi ... I have never encountered or heard of another instance in the United States where armed and uniformed men blocked the entrance to a polling location.” Mr. Bull said the "clear purpose" of what the Panthers were doing was to "intimidate voters with whom they did not agree." He also said he overheard one of the men tell a white poll watcher: "You are about to be ruled by the black man, cracker."

The Justice Dept. in a civil suit filed Jan. 7 identified the three men as members of the Panthers and said the three men engaged in "coercion, threats and intimidation, ... racial threats and insults, ... menacing and intimidating gestures, ... and movements directed at individuals who were present to vote." It said that unless prohibited by court sanctions, they would "continued to violate ... the Voting Rights Act by continuing to direct intimidation, threats and coercion at voters and potential voters, by again deploying uniformed and armed members at the entrance to polling locations in future elections, both in Philadelphia and throughout the country." According to the complaint, this was part of a nationwide effort to deploy New Black Panther Party members at polling locations on Election Day.

The three men named in the complaint refused to appear in court to answer the accusations over a near-five month period. They knew something the Justice Dept. Lawyers did not. Court records show that career Justice lawyers were seeking a default judgment and penalties against the three men as recently as May 5, before abruptly ending their pursuit 10 days later.

The Obama Justice Department suddenly reversed itself and stopped the prosecution of the Black Panthers. The Obama Administration thus tacitly approved the Black Panther’s voter intimidation, and their refusal to even defend their action. After all, it was in a good cause, it had helped elect Obama. The goal justified the means.

My friend’s question was simple. If the Govt. refuses to enforce the law against voter intimidation by black gangsters, what can we do to protect our right to vote? He wanted to set up a volunteer army of (former military) volunteers to confront these gangs in the coming elections and was concerned that Obama’s Homeland Security would consider any such effort by him creating a terrorist organization. He was concerned that we will no longer have honest elections in the future because poll watchers, election judges will be intimidated, or even attacked by these criminals and the Obama Justice Dept. would not lift a finger to protect the sanctity of the vote. The mob will rule by vote.



I have enough ailments so whatever I drink is not good for me. Here I am enjoying a Shiner Bock, since at age 89 I stopped worrying about longevity and you be the judge if I have good enough reasons to get a drink.
To start with we just had our first advance view how National Health care would work. Using Obamian logic, my wife hired a wise Latina doctor, who prescribed medications for her that Medicare would not approve. So we must buy them at full price from the People’s Pharmacy in Austin, which mails it to us through the US mail service. Note that we could buy it from the Rich White Pharmacy, but we need to keep up with the tenor of the times – thus the People’s Pharmacy.

These days you can have a chip installed in every package you mail and it can be traced while in transit. We did not receive the medication on Monday and waited patiently until Thursday to check on the delay. It was traced to Reno, Nevada and the US Post Office assured us that it is being rerouted back to its original destination in Texas. The explanation: Shit happens, ha ha. Will that be the slogan of the National Health care bureaucracy, I wonder?

The chips remind me that yesterday I visited a great nearby farm that produces organic products and sells it at various farmers’ markets. What I learned was that small farms are being forced out of business by the Federal Government which is taking over regulating all aspects of farming, with tons of papers and reports to fill out, with fines for non compliance and creating a bureaucratic maze that only large corporate farms and their legions of lawyers can handle.

Now they want to make an animal identification chip mandatory. Every chicken, horse, cow, pig, goat, etc will have to be registered with the government; an identification chip be inserted at a cost of $20/chicken, $120/cow, etc. Within 24 hours you would have to report every dead, or missing animal. A large, new government program would create massive new employment. This is similar to rearranging the chairs on the deck of the Titanic. It sure will create jobs and kill the small farms. Large corporate operations would hire paper pushers, lawyers and lobbyists.

So what happens if the lawyer you hire does a good job? It depends. Obama hired one to prevent corruption and theft. So the good man found both on a large scale. His reward: “You’re fired!” Who does Obama think he is? Donald Trump?

I paid for my beer with Fiat money. Not the Fiat involved with Chrysler, but the one that Bernanke creates out of thin air. Didn’t you know that 21st Century air consists of oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, green house gases, taxable cow fart and paper money?

The last time paper money was heavier than air was when Jack Kennedy ordered the Treasury to start printing “Silver Certificates” backed by silver held by the U.S. He tried to get out from the incestuous deal with the Federal Reserve. He got shot. Then Reagan tried the same thing. He got shot. No wonder Obama encourages printing more air money.

Do you think I deserved that Shiner?



The mass media failed to cover the real story with the mercenaries, and the rich history of civilian employees of uniformed armed forces. That's the result of willful ignorance, laziness and the herd mentality the mass media often adopts in order to remain "competitive." Here is a real background briefing following similar articles I published in 2008 and 2007 on the subject.

"Mercenaries" have gotten a bum rap since 2003, yet these "contractors" (as they prefer to be called) have proved to be invaluable, and a literal lifesaver in combat zones. But many of these contractors do their best work away from the combat zone. Take the many firms that have been formed in the last eight years to provide intelligence and translation services. Former military officers, many of them with a U.S. Army Special Forces background, formed most of these. For example, one five year old firm, Mission Essential Personnel, was founded by two Special Forces veterans, and found over 3,000 translators for languages the military needed (Arabic, Pushtun, Dari), from among native speakers in the United States and overseas. The founders of the company also developed techniques to quickly get many of their translators Top Secret security clearances. This is necessary before translators can work on intelligence related projects. Other Special Forces vets founded firms that provide experts in local politics and culture in current, or potential, combat zones.

But most nations, and government officials in general, are understandably nervous about trusting foreigners to get involved with supporting their armed forces. Yet mercenary troops have long been a logical way for rulers to control their subjects while avoiding revolutions spawned in the local military barracks. Often, mercenaries are hired mainly because it's cheaper, or not enough of your citizens are willing, or able, to be effective soldiers. The Iraq war reminded Americans that the United States was also a major employer of mercenaries. This has been the case for centuries, although it became more common in the 20th century, as the U.S. became more involved with small wars.

Iraq saw extensive use of mercenaries, mainly because the Iraqis with the most security and military experience, the Sunni Arabs, were the least reliable. It was safer to bring in foreigners for security work. You could use soldiers for this, but the troops were needed for more dangerous, and complex work. Over thirty firms were used to hire people for security work. This included three types of security. First, there was guarding of bases. The Green Zone (a large chunk of central Baghdad) employed thousands of these mercenaries. Other large bases employed them as well. The second type of work was convoy security. On the main supply routes, the guys driving the trucks, as well as the security guards, were all foreigners. Only military run convoys generally used the most dangerous routes. The third type of security was as bodyguards, and this is where the most expensive mercs (usually former commandos) were employed.

Most of the Iraq mercenaries had military or police experience and they came from all over the world. By 2005, some countries were passing law outlawing the recruitment of their citizens for this work. The main reason for this was that active duty soldiers and police were being recruited. In many countries, the mercenary pay was much more than what they were making at home. These laws didn't really work. The word was out that high paying; not-too-risky work was available in Iraq. The recruiters could operate via the Internet, or potential recruits could simply go to a neighboring country and apply there.

While there was some danger, the casualty rate was low (less than one-sixth of what U.S. troops experienced in Vietnam.) The security companies usually paid life insurance benefits, as well as covering medical expenses. The risk was no deterrent to the many people who kept applying for the jobs.

Getting reliable mercenaries has always been a problem, but the security firms in Iraq screened their people pretty well. There were only a few terrorist attacks inside the bases guarded by the mercenaries. This was in line with past U.S. experience with mercenaries. During the Vietnam War, many mercenary combat units were formed, some for commando operations. The U.S. Army Special Forces is trained to recruit and use mercenary troops. Most of the Special Forces experience goes back to World War II, where mercenaries were common in many of the more obscure theaters of war (where there were never enough U.S. troops.)

One of the most memorable pictures during the Clinton years was the apprehension of the young Cuban boy and his return to Cuba under orders of Janet Reno. The soldier in the picture pointing the gun at the child was a “contractor” from Beaumont, Texas working for the Clinton Justice Department.

Mercenaries are increasingly being used for peacekeeping. While the UN is uneasy with this practice, relief workers in need of protection are not so sensitive. Some of the major security firms, like Blackwater, have offered to provide brigade size unit of peacekeepers, staffed by former soldiers and police, to do the work that many nations are reluctant to send their own troops to do. The UN turned this down, mainly because of an institutional dislike for mercenaries. Too many UN member countries are vulnerable to mercenary backed coups, and fear the presence of contractors within their corrupt and thus vulnerable nations.


How about a bomb that can penetrate almost 200 ft into the ground before it explodes? The U.S. Air Force has developed a new bomb rack for the B-2 bomber, so it can drop the new, 13.6 (30,000 pound) Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP). The MOP is 20.5 feet long, with a 31.5-inch (80 cm) diameter. The MOP contains 2.4 tons of explosives and can penetrate about 65 meters before exploding.

Losing their support in Pakistan, Al Qaeda operatives are moving to the Horn of Africa. Dozens of al Qaeda fighters and a handful of commanders have fled Pakistan for Somalia and Yemen in the last few months. They’re leaving their former stronghold in the tribal region of Pakistan after months of increased drone attacks in the region have disrupted their local networks killing. 11 of 20 top Al Qaeda commanders. But while the flight of Al Qaeda fighters and commanders will hasten the demise of Islamist militants along the Afghan border it will also necessitate expanded anti-terror operations in Somalia and Yemen. Somalia is already being compared to a pre-9/11 Afghanistan.

Recent North Korea tests of a long range ballistic missile (that can reach parts of western North America), and a second test of their nuclear weapons, doesn't change the strategic situation with the United States. That's because of the American GBI (Ground Based Interceptor) system. The GBI is a 12.7-ton ballistic missile that delivers a 140-pound "kill vehicle" that will intercept a ballistic missile before it begins its descent into the atmosphere. The GBI kill vehicle attempts to destroy the incoming missile, while avoiding decoys. The U.S. is installing 26 GBIs in Alaska (16 are already active) and four in California.

South Korea is buying Israeli missile protection systems, for its air force. This will protect aircraft from heat sensing and radar guided missiles. South Korea has been buying more and more Israeli electronic systems of late, including radars, helmet mounted display systems for helicopter pilots and an anti-ballistic missile radar system.

The largest intelligence agency on the planet doesn't work for a country, but for a political party. The Chinese Ministry of State Security (MSS) primary function is to insure the survival and well being of the Chinese Communist Party. A growing number of MSS officials, however, are fleeing China, and intelligence work. A major reason for these defections is the realization that MSS is fighting a losing battle trying to control the Chinese population. The most visible aspect of this are the 30,000 Ministry of Public Security employees whose main job is to monitor Internet use throughout the country, and prevent "troublesome" Internet data from getting in, or out, of China. Since 1998, over a billion dollars has been spent on this effort. Mostly in vain.



The fast-growing “dead zone” that will envelop part of the Gulf of Mexico this summer is expected to be one of the largest recorded, estimated to reach between 7,450 and 8,456 square miles — an area about the size of New Jersey — and threatens the health of multimillion-dollar fishery industries. Farmland runoff containing fertilizers and livestock waste — some of it from as far away as the Corn Belt — is the main source of the nitrogen and phosphorus that fuel the growth of algae blooms that in turn creates the Gulf dead zone.

The health and solvency of the FHA is at high risk, and foreclosures of properties with FHA-backed loans are the most visible and troubling sign that the government is incompetent. FHA approval of new lenders increased 525 percent in a two-year period, from the 2006 fiscal year to the 2008 fiscal year. The integrity and reliability of this crop of program loan originators is unproven, and, in light of the aggressive and unreliable recent history of this industry, may pose a risk to the survival of the FHA.

In March, the Obama Administration issued regulations to bail out mortgage holders who overstated their ability to pay the bank, obtaining what we know as "liar loans." These liars are now entitled to "renegotiate" their loans, including a debt reduction. Liar loan recipients who committed fraud apparently deserve to take advantage of Obama's newest bailout scam rather than selling the homes they couldn't afford at a loss.

Drywall imported from China is causing damage to thousands of US homes and adversely impacting the health of thousands. Complaints include: structural effects on homes, such as metal corrosion in air conditioning units, copper pipes and electrical wiring; as well as health effects on homeowners, such as unexplained nosebleeds, insomnia, skin irritation and asthma. Chinese drywall generates a continuous release of particles. Residents complain of copious amounts of dust that when removed from surfaces reappears in a few hours. Smoke alarms are set off frequently in the same houses due to the dust particles that circulate in the ambient air.
Chinese drywall has filler that contains concentrated heavy metals from a coal source. These heavy metals are toxic and when inhaled can concentrate in the body. Strontium is one of the concentrated heavy metals."

California’s latest mortgage foreclosure moratorium, wherein if you stop paying your mortgage, you will be able to live in your house rent-free for at least a year. Imagine the money you’ll save! For you non-Californians, don’t fret; federal pressure and bank incompetence mean you’ll get a similar rent-free time period even without an official moratorium VERY SOON.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report on a Democratic health care “reform” bill has sent shock waves through Washington – and middle-class families, small businesses, and all taxpayers are right to take notice. Here’s what CBO has uncovered:
* The Democratic plan will cost taxpayers at least $1 trillion;
* The legislation will leave at least 36 million Americans uninsured; and
* The proposal will force at least 23 million Americans to give up the health coverage they currently enjoy.


HUNGARY 1956- IRAN 2009
by Tibby Weston

Few of you remember what happened in 1956 to the Hungarians who revolted against their communist oppressors. For many years the Voice of America urged Hungarians, and other Central Europe’s oppressed nations, to throw over the yoke of tyranny of communism. Finally the Hungarians had an opportunity and revolted and actually overthrew their communist regime.

Unfortunately they did not understand American politics and timed their revolution badly. They revolted one week before the November Presidential elections and Pres. Eisenhower’s advisors prevented him from expressing any encouragement, or approval of the Hungarian revolt, because it may have had an impact on the upcoming elections.

For several days the Hungarian Revolution triumphed, but Washington was silenced. The Russians who concluded that nobody would lift a finger if they had come to the rescue of the fallen communist regime noted this. So with brute force of tanks and Mongolian troops they stormed Hungary. The battle lasted a few days but the uprising had no chance against the thousands of Russian tanks and troops.
American politicians who put electability ahead of justice and principle betrayed the brave Hungarians.

We have been encouraging Iranians to overthrow their corrupt and insane leadership. Our radio broadcasts, web sites and overt and covert efforts for years attempted to change the hearts and minds of the Iranian people. The time came when our effort have been answered and the people of Iran found an opportunity to rise and confront their tyrannical leaders. Unfortunately they did not time it well. They did not understand that the new president of the United States and especially his vice president, did not want disturb the leadership of Iran. The president had his domestic agenda far more important than worrying about a nuclear Iran and the coming Holocaust facing Israel. The vice president has been closely connected to Iran for decades and had been their spokesman in Congress protecting and defending them for many years.

So the revolution has been extinguished in blood and state terror. It was too late for Pres. Eisenhower to express his regrets at the deaths of brave Hungarians after it was over and finished. It was too late to see the crocodile tears of Pres. Obama regretting the suffering and death suffered by brave Iranians. Neither President acted in fear of political consequences that may impair their polls.

For the rest of us grieving for the opportunity lost and the brave dead we can only say: Nugodjatok békében. - RIP.


By Tibby Weston

This week two anniversaries have a great significance for me. On June 22nd Hitler invaded Russia with 3,000 tanks, 2,500 aircraft, and 7,000 artillery pieces across a thousand-mile front and within two days advanced more than 300 miles and destroyed most of the Russian Air Force and captured thousands of Russian troops. In order to get the Hungarians involved, German planes with Russian markings bombed the Hungarian city of Kassa, which prompted Hungary to declare war on Russia on June 27, 1941.

I had plans for June 27, 1941. I sang in the production of Handel’s Oratorio THE MESSIAH and with about 100 other singers and musicians we traveled to the big city Budapest to perform on the evening of June 27. Unaware of what was about to happen, I decided to spend the afternoon at the luxurious outdoor baths of Margaret Island located in the middle of the Danube. It was a beautiful summer day and I was sunbathing happily when I fell asleep.

By the time I awoke I noticed with horror that not only was I burned crisp, but it was getting late and I had to get back to the apartment where I was to spend the night and pick up my clothes and rush to the concert hall for the performance. By the time I got to the apartment it was obvious that I could not get to the concert in time unless I called a cab. In the expensive cab I changed into my clothes and was fully dressed when we arrived at the concert hall. Unfortunately I already heard the overture being performed while getting into the building.

I slowly and surreptitiously sneaked into the rear of the chorus and inch-by-inch moved to get into my proper position, to the great amusement of some of my idiotic friends watching in the audience. Not one of my easily forgotten moments in life.

During the intermission we heard a new and frightening sound. Air raid sirens. The alarm only lasted a few minutes and we finished the concert to standing ovation by a nervous audience because by then we heard the announcement on the radio that Hungary has declared war on Russia. I don’t recall any discussions about the uncertain future, but I do recall that we talked long and late and by the time we finished, the last trolley left and I had to get across the Danube to my apartment, Not only was I stranger in town, but the city was blacked out and it was raining very hard. I had no choice but walk for hours to get home. I was soaking wet and most of the time could not see much in the dark and the pouring rain. I found my way when lightning lit up the scene and I could read street signs. The most frightening part was walking across a Danube bridge in a storm buffeted by wind and rain. Little did I know how little this scare was as compared to the lurking future.

Finally I made it to the apartment house where I was to sleep in my friend’s apartment, on the floor. He warned me not to make much noise coming in because he did not want the fussy landlady to know that he had me sleep over. I was soaking wet so I undressed in front of the apartment door and wrung out my clothes. Stealthily I opened the door and started walking barefoot in the dark hallway carrying my clothes and shoes in my hand towards to room where I was to spend the night. Suddenly something cold and wet touched my leg and I yelled and a dog started barking. Nobody told me that the landlady had a dog she kept in the hallway.

After considerable and occasionally ridiculous discussions while standing there in wet underwear we all retired promising an irate landlady not to make any more noise. Another not easily forgotten moment in life.

Finally I was stretched out on the floor happily that this day has finally ended, when a sharp pain in my abdomen and more yelling and cursing woke me. My friend’s brother came to Budapest when he heard the news of the war breaking out and walked into the dark apartment, not expecting the floor to be occupied by a painfully sunburned interloper. After another round with the vociferous landlady we tried to sleep, but we wound up talking through the remainder of the night about the future.


All three of us survived the war. My friend Peter became vice president of Hungary and was killed in 1974 in an industrial accident. His brother Gábor, became Director of the Library of Parliament in that fancy building of the Hungarian Parliament on the shores of the Danube. So you know why this week is memorable for me. Not only was it historical, but believe me, even more hysterical.


North Korea's July Fourth "test" is a deliberate threat to the United States and is intended by Pyongyang to end the Korean War armistice. It could be considered an act of a renewed war.

Fortunately we do have a missile defense system. George Bush allowed the Anti Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty expire in 2001 much to the anger and objection of the Russians and their domestic Democrat collaborators. For decades the opposition to create a missile defense came not just from the Russians but also from their allies of leftist – liberal Democrats. The local opposition has been at times hysterical demonizing Ronald Reagan and any advocates of the missile defense system.

Most Americans do not even know that George Bush accelerated missile defense deployment and activated a basic defense system in 2004. All they heard is the Democrat position as spoken by Nancy Pelosi: ” The United States does not need a multi-billion-dollar national missile defense against the possibility of a nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missile. What we need is a strong nonproliferation policy with other nations to combat the most serious threat to our national security."

Assuming the “insane” dictator of North Korea capitalizes on the apparent lack of will continuously demonstrated by the Obama Administration and launches his missile at the Hawaiian Islands. Will Hillary Clinton rapidly be deployed to Pyongyang with an offer to advocate an instant non-proliferation treaty enhanced with a couple of billion in "bailout" bribes? We can hope that a reluctant Obama may be forced to use the despised anti missile umbrella created by Republicans of the past.

This umbrella has many levels. The short-range missile battery is the Patriot PAC-3. The 'hit-to-kill' PAC-3 Missile is the world's most advanced, capable and powerful theater air defense missile. It defeats the entire threat of tactical ballistic missiles (TBMs) carrying weapons of mass destruction, advanced cruise missiles and aircraft.
The next range level is the Army’s THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Air Defense} and the Navy Standard-2 and –3 system. The Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system is a long-range, land-based theater defense weapon that acts as the upper tier of a basic 2-tiered defense against ballistic missiles. It’s designed to intercept missiles during late mid-course or final stage flight, flying at high altitudes within and even outside the atmosphere. This allows it to provide broad area coverage against threats to critical assets such as population centers and industrial resources as well as military forces.

Long-range interceptors are the GBIs (Ground Based Interceptors located in 26 silos in Alaska and four in California. More were scheduled to be deployed, but Obama’s 2010 defense budget has cut funding for these systems. The Ground-Based Interceptor (GBI) is a multi-stage silo-launched booster rocket and kill vehicle that will track and destroy high-speed ballistic missiles in their midcourse phase, i.e. while the missiles are still outside the atmosphere and at their highest trajectory. The GBI is a critical part of the Missile Defense Agency’s Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system, which has been deployed since 2004.

The good news is that the Obama Administration and liberal Democrats have not been able to disable the existing system, yet. You can therefore feel safe this July 4th. Next year may be different. It is up to you.


Show this short video to your children, or young people who have been dumbed down by the educational system. It does what socialists hate: explains the truth in simple terms. It is worth the time.



I am making this speech on July 4th at a 7PM celebration in Columbus Texas at Beeson Park. You are invited to the party and fire works.


Fifty-six years ago July 4th was on a Saturday, just as it is this year. On Friday, July 3rd 1953, I was sworn in as an American citizen at the Houston Federal Courthouse in ceremonies attended by close to a thousand people, including guests and host organizations. After the speeches and the Oath of Citizenship, the DAR and American Legion Posts served cookies and drinks.

I had never heard of the DAR and the American Legion before and their sincere welcoming us as new citizens touched me. Encouraged by their apparent care and consideration, I asked for and received help from the American Legion to start a Citizenship School to teach applicants for citizenship the history and founding principles of the United States. Thousands graduated from our Americans By Choice Citizenship School to become well-informed citizens of our country and we taught them in English, the language that held this nation together since its creation.

When the DAR found out about my background they persuaded me to start talking to their chapters about the evils of socialism. I am a survivor of oppression and persecution both by the National Socialism of Adolf Hitler and International Socialism of Joseph Stalin. For almost twenty years I was a speaker warning about communism, which is the rough ridge of the of the smooth socialist iceberg. Of the many honors I received I am most proud of the Americanism Medal awarded to me by the DAR. The first time this medal was bestowed on a foreign born American.

As soon as I received my Certificate of Naturalization on that Friday afternoon, my late wife and I drove home. We picked up our two boys, citizens by birth by-the-way, and loaded them into our station wagon. We drove all afternoon and finally by evening we arrived at Del Rio on the Mexican border.

Before checking in to the motel we drove across the bridge to Mexico and made a U-turn and came back. The Immigration Inspector walked over to our car stopped at the barrier and asked: "Are you American citizens?"

"Yes, we are since noon today."

He was quite surprised by the answer and asked: "What do you mean? Please explain.”

I was ready for the answer. "We have lived in the United States since 1947 and nobody ever asked us if we were American citizens. Now that we are proud citizens we had to find someone who would ask us and this was the best solution we found." Then I showed him our brand new Naturalization Certificate and he congratulated us for being the newest citizens ever to cross the border.

I was proud to be able to say that I was an American. Some Americans may not appreciate or understand, but it is of enormous significance to us Americans by Choice.

We are the ones who feel a lump in our throat when our flag goes by and watch in horror the indifference and demeaning behavior of some Americans around us. We know flag etiquette and watch with nausea merchandise hawked on TV by a pitchman dressed in a flag. We, who have lost our freedoms once, understand and appreciate freedom and the responsibility that this country provides.

I fear for my country. This is not the same country I proudly adopted in 1953. All that we Americans by Choice can ask you Americans by the accident of birth is to wake up before it is too late. Take back our country to integrity and patriotism. We must do so because we are in mortal danger from enemies within and around the globe.

So I was looking for help and leadership when I went to an April 15th Tea party. It was a great party and it made me feel good to see so many of my community participating. But I did not go to feel good. I came to find directions, to find leadership because I fear for our country’s future.

I am here to tell you some good news. I did find directions and leadership. I found it in the Declaration of Independence. Let me read it to you and see if you hear the same directions as our founding fathers heard in 1776. Let me remind you that they were a much smaller minority in favor of independence than those of us today seeking new directions for our country.

The founders of this country believed that Governments derive their powers from the consent of the governed, which to me means that the Government works for us and not that we work for the Government.

It further declares that the role of Government is to use its powers to assure the Safety and Happiness of the People and if the Government fails to do so it is the Right of the People to alter it or to abolish it.

Do you feel safe and happy with what politicians are doing in Washington?

The Declaration is clear about what has to be done. The time has come to exercise the right of the people to alter or abolish a Government that has failed. In today’s language: Throw the bums out! To do so we may all have to do what our Founders had to do: “mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.” So be it. Thank you.

Surprising number of people have asked where Beeson's Park is in Columbus, Texas. Hopefully they want to come to an old fashioned July 4th party, which may turn out to be a TEA party. (If you come, have a BBQ at Jerry Mikeska's located at the same exit East of the park.http://www.jerrymikeska.com/)

Benjamin Beeson Park
Located on Old Hwy 90, on the banks of the Colorado River next to the East Bridge
Columbus, Texas 78934
Telephone: 979-832-8385
When traveling from Houston on I-10, take the 698 exit and follow Hwy. 90 to Columbus. Beason's Park will be on your left prior to crossing the Colorado River.
The site played a significant role in Texas’ War for Independence when General Sam Houston and his troops assembled at the river near what was then known as Beason’s Crossing.
Benjamin Beeson, one of Stephen F. Austin's original 300 colonists, settled here in 1822. His residence and business operations and a scattering of homesteads formed a settlement known as Beeson's Crossing.
In the early spring of 1836, the settlers found themselves in the perilous position in between Sam Houston's Army, camped on the East bank of the Colorado River opposite Beeson's crossing, and the Mexican Army led by General Juaquin Ramirez Y Sesma, fast approaching from the West. Houston had chosen this site to camp because of its strategic location at the edge of the most populous part of Texas.
With his 1500 troops in position, Houston is said to have declared, "On the Colorado I make my stand."
Notwithstanding this bold declaration, Houston removed his Army to the Brazos River to regroup for battle. Beeson's Crossing was then burned to the ground by a detachment of Houston's Army scarcely hours before the arrival of the Mexican Army. The settlers fled during what is now known as The Runaway Scrape. The Texas Army went on to defeat Santa Anna and the Mexican Army at San Jacinto in a decisive battle for Texas Independence.

A place of historic gatherings indeed.
The insane are running the asylum. Examples permeating American society today. Scams, fraud, perjury, uncivilized behavior and other signs heralding the fall of the USA, unless you had enough.

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